Last seen: May 5, 2024
@ernst view this img of the site. In the book as written in the img, if you go on pg 334 col.3 almost at the bottom ( -'Ta) Screenshot_20210...
@ernst I use Sanskrit English Dictionary M Monier - Williams android app. I have got also a book and there is a web site than contain also your dict...
@ernst in 1.2.11 sutra you translate kheta: a village, residence of peasants and farmers, kapha ... in a dictionary of sanskrit I have found this ...
I love this man! He is master of my master of ayurveda. Beatiful Heart. If you want the very complete manual I advise these: good luck ...
@ernst Is the interpretation of Jaimini's Rashis the same for houses? ex. Ariet (1 rashi) = 1 House = "rats and cats".
@ernst so if I have to judge the activities, it closes contracts such as rents or electricity and gas utilities, etc. there is no Muhurta?I believe ...
There is a rectification based on diseases, injuries and etc. (Viewing varga D30 and moving the Lagna) practical and concrete way! " There is a simi...
@meyes there are many yogas based on bhavas, one classical technique is Parashara’s 144 Bhava Yogas
Found Ernst's words in the manual: "Then see what Akriti Yogas are most closely formed, these will particularly influence the natives core makeup. A...
@meyes I use that (attached): North and South chart view Akritis.pdf
@tuyetv it is a beauty explanation work, only the first consideration, on all work is based, it seems to me some wrong: In North India chart the 1° ...
@meyes Mattias 🙂 I remember than Ernst suggest North Indian for this lecture, because these yoga are based on house and so if change the lagna le f...