Last seen: May 5, 2024
@ernst there are of the Scintillating opals of many color like blue yellow etc...can do the different work in the sign (Virgo) or others?
help the sign(view meaning by jaimini) with Rahu and the bhava cups joint with Him. If you want really understand, dress its! 🙂
@ayan For complete understanding of the best time, I have found beautiful the course of muhurta and the book on its of Ernst. the Anatomy of Time! w...
in Muhurta/Electional Date Finder or kala, there is Marriage- First sexual union. The question is if they do for children or to enjoy the union. ...
@ernst in pg 17 : " the following list gives the names of the Bhavas and Rasis that are to be ignored and ther numerically manipulated result, which...
@ernst In your Jaimini's sutras raw, how did you understand that, in certain sutra, the numerical manipulation corresponded to the Rasi or Bhava or ...
@tuyetv "The Earth is divided into two hemispheres, the Northern and the Southern. The Northern Hemisphere is the realm of the Devas" while the Sout...
@manisha Ketu's Mace ????
@manisha ???? ???? ???? Your love for them derived from detachment makes them grow like the vegetable kingdom in the moonlight...wonderful! ???? ...
@ancestorseyes I am reading with more attention the book and at page 105 there are: vargas: the navamasa and rasi are both important with the most...
@ancestorseyes I am reading with more attention the book and at page 105 there are: vargas: the navamasa and rasi are both important with the most...
@manisha I like this explanation if you can help you. PXL_20210414_162913514.jpg
@ancestorseyes many thanks! ????
ketu is the flag of the territory known, conscious level. rahu is the foreign of the territory, unconscious level. when I put the known in the un...