Last seen: Aug 10, 2024
@mona Advaita vedanta teachings or any vedanta teaching should be very compatible with vedic astrology studies. By the way, since you have some experi...
@kam Oh wow, I didn't even know about this mutation condition. Even for survivors, according to HD, things are not going to be so great. If HD is corr...
@kam Yes, there is a whole range of states between "all true" and "all wrong". I liked my type classification a lot. But then, I just could not digest...
Hey, now you that you have mentioned Human Design, I would also be curious to see what the more learned ones here think of it. I used to study it for ...
@mona I find this aspect of astrology also the most difficult so far. So we can say the concrete is cusp, the subjective is rasi or full bhava? Then y...
@mona Great, that's what I needed to hear. I went from Jaimini to yogas and wasn't sure. Thank you.
@mona thank you. Could we say then, that house cusps are ignored when studying yogas and only rasis matter?
On a related note from the same course. When it is said that 4 or more planets in one house destroy it unless it is 1,9 or 10, do we look at cusps or ...
@ernst Thanks for clarification. It was a missing piece for me.
I have troubles determining dignities when it requires combinations of natural and temp relationships. In my D2 chart, moon is in libra and venus is 6...