Last seen: Nov 10, 2022
@amit Isn't that essentially what I said ???? ???? ? "...that we are finally willing to do Rahu at age 42 (Rahu maturation). Then, (ideally) we c...
@mona Thank you, Mona ???? !
Hi Lis, This is what I remember from the beginner Rahu/Ketu course: The sign Ketu is in and the house cusp Ketu is conjunct indicates an area that...
@scott-m-19 Thanks for the recommendation!
@amit Oh cool! This makes me want to take the free Prasna class right away. Would you mind waiting for a few days to post the answer in case you ...
@ernst Oh cool. I didn't know you had that on your other website. Thank you!
@ernst Thank you!
@mona Thank you for sharing. That makes perfect sense, especially within the context of what Ernst wrote now, too. Saturn being so closely associat...
@ernst Thank you, Ernst. That makes a lot of sense.