Honorable Member
Joined: Oct 20, 2020
Last seen: Mar 14, 2025
Topics: 30 / Replies: 303
RE: Four Planets in a House

@mona that's really interesting. I didn't know about Kemadruma yoga. My father would have that yoga too, except he has his Moon + Ketu in Taurus, so I...

4 years ago
RE: Four Planets in a House

My father has 4 planets in his 2nd house of Libra. He grew up in a wealthy family back in his home country, and he still takes alot of pride in their ...

4 years ago
RE: Ace of Spades

@meyes Nice! I still find it a bit scary, but Jack of Spades is my Sun card, so I'm learning to integrate it more in to my life.

4 years ago
RE: Ace of Spades

@ajitpal27 It means 'work' in Punjabi too. Although it can also mean 'high'... which is my parent's favourite joke ????

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 1875
RE: How to Deliver Bad News

@angela-w I wonder if our trepidation has to do with how Jupiter and Venus' aspect eachother in our respective charts. In my chart, Jupiter is oppos...

4 years ago
RE: How to Deliver Bad News

From the perspective of the Cards of Truth, I use a personal approach with it based on cards I have in common with them in my spread. For example, my ...

4 years ago
RE: Saturn starving Moon & Human design

@rhiannon Very interesting! I would say that I fit my generator type, yet most of my channels are projector channels so it feels conflicting in that s...

4 years ago
RE: argalas and unemployment

I've noticed that 8th lord in the 1st certainly makes things more difficult career wise also. It causes alot of breaks to steady employment like job l...

4 years ago
RE: Saturn starving Moon & Human design

@mona I've not heard of Rupert Spira....he sounds intriguing. Off I go to investigate ????????

4 years ago
RE: Saturn starving Moon & Human design

@david108 I liked my incarnation cross, and my profile made me realize why I resonate with Chiron in my chart so much. But yes, the chakras! And the f...

4 years ago
RE: Saturn starving Moon & Human design

@david108 I felt the same way after learning some things about the person who created the human design system. My 8th house has Jupiter and Rahu in it...

4 years ago
RE: Saturn starving Moon & Human design

@mona I do! I got really into it a few years ago as well as the Gene Keys, which was created by a former Human Design student. There are certain as...

4 years ago
RE: Saturn starving Moon & Human design

My worlds collided when Ernst mentioned Human Design in the video ????

4 years ago
RE: 52 day periods

@mirela Wow, thank you so much for your generous analysis! I really appreciate your insights! - J♣︎ Yr. Card is telling us Uranus card is importan...

4 years ago
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