Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
@tuyetv I think my main issue with comprehending Jupiter ruling money/wealth while also ruling goodness, wisdom and generosity is due to my personal l...
@ernst Thank you, Ernst, I understand the disctinction now. The metaphor with the fat reserves of the body is very helpful.
@staffan Thank you for bringing up the houses, yes, now it becomes even more interesting.So Venus material abundance is meant to serve to: - 2nd house...
@staffan yeah, I think I get it (how it would be for D9), though as usual with my Pisces Mercury it's not something I can put into words, just intuiti...
@tuyetv @staffan Now that you mention it, I reckon I resonate more with the 3-12 exchange, sadly. I guess I never focused too much on it, number 1 bec...
@tuyetv got it, thank you. I'm never sure whether to look at those or not in the vargas, as they require a very exact time of birth. In my D9 for exam...
@tuyetv quick question if you don't mind - what is "YV yogas" short for?
(edit to add: I'm still a beginner at astrology so please do take my intuitive advice with a grain of salt)Yeah Mars with Saturn in the 1st can't be g...
@staffan beautiful that you are both dedicated to healing as a couple, we need more of that in the world. I believe this is what Ernst tends to recomm...
@staffan Oh the more recent courses are absolutely incredible, the profound blend of psychology, counselling and astrology. Remarkable insights. (That...
@staffan yeah I aspire to be one day half as productive as Ernst is on his worst days 😁 and with a Mars Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, you c...
@staffan Yes I love those earlier courses - you learn 5 new things each minute 😀 Lots and lots of notes. I love all the courses, really. I think the ...
@ernst Thank you, Ernst. No such thing as "bad" houses or signs, indeed.