Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
@tuyetv understood, thank you for your input! It does make sense. And it is complex because well, people and life are complex 🙂
@tamarap yeah it seems to be a thing with many people, in the end we humans are all very contradictory and multifaceted beings. The saying "do as I sa...
@staffan yeah it's one of the bad marriage yogas - lord of 7th in the 5th, or lord of 5th in the 7th "kills your wife". Explains a lot doesn't it!Merc...
@staffan Tolstoy would be very interesting to analyze - I absolutely love him as an author, I also very much love the empathy towards animals he lived...
@shugara2002 Sounds pretty awesome! Thank you for sharing that, it's almost scary how powerful Astrology is sometimes (well, Astrology taught by the r...
@shugara2002 I had responded to your chart but my comment disappeared upon trying to post. I'm still a novice when it comes to vedic astrology - so ...
@shugara2002 wow so much focus and self factors in the signs of Mars and Venus - you must be a very passionate person! And with both Mars and Venus in...
Any chance you can post your chart? Do you have strong 8th and 12th bhava influences, or Pluto being strong in your chart? I am this type of person as...
@staffan as far as I know nothing breaks the yoga. That being said - it's a fairly common yoga. The number of planets and the condition of the planets...
Congrats! Beautiful website.
@curioussoul Hi, the number of Grahas we look at is in the individual bhavas. So the pairings are: 6th and 8th, 5th and 9th, 4th and 10th, 3rd and 11t...
@staffan It's one of the yogas with pretty negative connotations, taught in the Jaimini course. Causes one to be stuck in life - the condition and typ...
@staffan I just remembered something - there is a very gnarly bandhana - bondage yoga in my chart, Rahu Mercury in the 8th, Saturn Mars in the 6th, an...