Estimable Member
Joined: Apr 6, 2023
Last seen: Mar 11, 2025
Topics: 21 / Replies: 126
RE: Improving communication with people with shamed planets

@tamarap it definitely takes some finesse and diplomacy, I've only just started doing readings (free for now) but this is one of the reasons why I alw...

8 months ago
RE: Were we looking at the bandhan yoga from ak or lagna

Yes, Rahu and Ketu are included, and considered malefics (the yoga is felt more painfully when there are malefics involved). I learned about this yo...

8 months ago
RE: Improving communication with people with shamed planets

@amit thank you for your insight, Amit, that makes complete sense. So Mars would be the logical approach, Mercury the friendly/more casual approach pe...

8 months ago
RE: Were we looking at the bandhan yoga from ak or lagna

It's from the lagna. So if you imagine a line going through the 1st and 7th house axis, you check the number of planets on each side: 2nd and 12th hou...

8 months ago
RE: Child mind Moon's digbala in context of PAC

My intuition tells me Saturn Moon in the 4th would still be worse, due to the double whammy of Saturn with Moon, and Saturn in the 4th (especially for...

8 months ago
RE: Constant nightmares, tense vivid dreams through the night

@suzanstars Thank you! I will post an update in a month or so. Feel free to recommended anything, I'm taking notes for future reference as well.

9 months ago
RE: Constant nightmares, tense vivid dreams through the night

@tamarap thank you! I will post an update 🙂

9 months ago
RE: Constant nightmares, tense vivid dreams through the night

@suzanstars they never really go away. I just noticed today that it's been non-stop every night for the last 2 weeks or so, but honestly there isn't m...

9 months ago
RE: Constant nightmares, tense vivid dreams through the night

@suzanstars Hey Suzan, you're good! My Rahu is in Uttarabhadrapada. My details are 27th March 1988, 13:56, born in Burgas, Bulgaria. Do you analyze th...

9 months ago
RE: Constant nightmares, tense vivid dreams through the night

@tamarap I was thinking of starting a journal, but then I read somewhere that writing them down can signal to my brain that this is something importan...

9 months ago
RE: Constant nightmares, tense vivid dreams through the night

@mitryendra80 thank you for your response. I have never taken any mental health meds. Generally I avoid any and all meds as much as I can, and am not ...

9 months ago
RE: Figuring out Rahu house

Do you know if he has any planets in the same Rasi as his Rahu?

9 months ago
RE: +I am gaining weight studying PAC, are You?

I have been studying several courses very intensively for the last 2-3 months and indeed gained a few kilos, which is not typical for me. It could als...

10 months ago
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