Last seen: Mar 12, 2025
@ernst Thank you for all your help and wisdom 🌻
@ernst Thank you very much for your help.
@tuyetv Thank you so much for your kindness, you're very sweet! You're absolutely right, and at the end of the day life is always a mix of "good" and ...
@tuyetv I definitely feel the pain and dissatisfaction that comes with it (I'm 36), and the funny thing is in reality I do my best to never actually b...
@tuyetv yes, seeing my AK being in Cancer in D9 really explained my deep sensitivity - something that is not seen in my Rasi, aside from having a Pisc...
@manisha apologies, I'm still a newbie and didn't realize this is an old thread 🙂
@manisha Have you fully explored the videos Ernst has on Rahu Ketu in relationships? (part of the Mastering Rahu and Ketu course) 🙂 I found it super ...
Thank you all so much for your time and insights! I will keep referring to these guidelines going forward 🙂 I'm listening to the Jaimini audio course...