Last seen: Feb 17, 2025
@staffan No problem at all Staffan, I appreciate you trying to help! 🤗 With love, Evie
@staffan Sure, no obsession 😀, I just want to understand everything I want to work with, wanted to know if my assumption was correct. Evie
@staffan thank you. I am still contemplating on my second question though. Ernst explained that, for example, when you have difficulties in Taurus, ...
Hi Staffan, thanks for replying. I haven’t done the gem course yet, but in the New Rasi Sutras course we have the colors according to Ernst’ modern ad...
@ernst Thank you! Those courses are on my list!
@ernst Thank you Ernst. Yes, I wanted to analyze this case for my own astrological development, and at the most maybe advise about one period being “b...
@ernst Thank you Ernst!
@marianela I just read your reply as I was browsing through the forum, and I have been laughing for a few minutes straight! I just want to say thank y...
@marianela Thank you Marianela for your reply! Much appreciated.
After contemplating this some more, I think Mercury does detract from this stained yoga because of his aspect, and I think the Moon doesn’t do anythin...
Hi Sylvia, thank you for this clarification! kind regards, Satyamaya
@ernst I just found another factor that may or may not play a part in the whole event: the individual that wants to open his business has already b...