Last seen: Aug 30, 2024
@ernst Thank you again for simplifying it for me!
@ernst Thank you, I will heed my studies of the fatal degrees and especially the moon you mentioned that will overall affect the mind/emotions of the ...
@ernst Hello Ernst, If not conjunct but aspecting or rahu sits on Aquarius ( If I said the right word or I understand it correctly ) would it be the s...
@ernst Thank you for this, since you mentioned Rahu / Ketu do as good as their lords and many ups and downs/surprises. This is truly not subtle to me....
@ernst Just double checking what I understand, D60 is very important when it comes to Rasi birth time? Even a minute or seconds needs to be precise to...
@scott-m-19 From what I know, you use D60 like how you read your D1. I believe that's the only one that you can read it the same way as D1. Would like...
@ernst Hello Ernst, May I know the best way to check a person's spiritual path and it's growth?I am not sure if I remember correctly on your video if ...
Fear and Separation is the most prominent in the conjunct, I will remember that. @ernst Thank you so much for the quick response!
@ernst If you don't mind me asking Sir Ernst, What if there is a Saturn (Rohini Nakshatra) Rahu (Mrigasira) conjunct in 7th house Gemini ? They are ab...