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calculating planets in Cards of Truth spread

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2 Users
Posts: 20
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Joined: 1 year ago

Hello, i am learning Cards of Truth and don’t see any specific forum for that here. My learning style is very nonlinear, so I am watching things in different orders… apologies if I missed something obvious. My question is this: hiw to calculate which planets in each card position? Of course, Ernst’s software can do this but I like to know the mths for myself. 


For instance, what makes Ju and Asc in my Sun card, or Su and Mo in Venus card?

thanks in advance!



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Posts: 7
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Joined: 2 years ago

Hi welcome to ACVA .Im also new here i tell you what i know. to answer your question about the courses ,forum of cards of truth ,i had the same difficulty in the beginning . so when you go to cards of truth courses on google , then on the left you will see the Arcana classes and the cards of truth courses and all the calculations ,the planetary meanings i  mean  everything  ,but if you go to the forum the it will show the astrological classes and you and probably have to log in again if you switch . Im not sure what package classes did you purchase ,it could also depends on that, not sure. Once you discovered the Little book classes you can look for the practical meaning of the cards , or if you just want a general idea immediately right now   there are videos also in public you tube made by Carmina cards of truth, she also starting Classes on march 10 . On your spread chart . it shows maybe you born (feb or march )?, what it stands out 8 of hearts to  build your kingdom and love relation  is by exploring experimenting  lots of things  3 of hearts and 10 of clubs the magician with emissive imagination tricks and trips good with any trade, with jack of diamonds can manifest magic .This is your 44 year very significant and important cycle for you ,this is exactly the path you need to discover yourself ,over coming the k of spades the pain and the struggle   true cards of truth , you will be amassed .i hope this helped WELCOME Sincerely Eniko
