How do the planets influence us - is it electromagnetic fields that impact us? But not all planets/grahas have electromagnetic fields. Assuming that there should be something tangible from grahas impacting us.
Also wanted to know what the ancient texts speak about this.
Good description is given in Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda in a chapter for astrology.
Thanks for your response Amit. Had read it the day you sent, but forgot to respond. Will read the chapter again.
Yes it gives me a blank page with only "{forbidden}" when I click on it. Perhaps the same information is at another page?
So what did Yogananda say about the impact of planets of our lives?
Personally I think they may not impact us at all, maybe they are just an omen of what´s going on. A cosmic dance, syncrhonizations. Reflections. Not saying, not in any way knowing.So: What´s Yoganandas opinion on the subject?