How do planets infl...
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How do planets influence us?

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How do the planets influence us - is it electromagnetic fields that impact us? But not all planets/grahas have electromagnetic fields. Assuming that there should be something tangible from grahas impacting us.

Also wanted to know what the ancient texts speak about this.


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Amit Bhat
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Good description is given in Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda in a chapter for astrology.

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Thanks for your response Amit. Had read it the day you sent, but forgot to respond. Will read the chapter again. 

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Amit Bhat
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One interesting thing to know is about Ravana who is said to conquer the 9 planets and put them all in 11th house of his to be born son Indrajeet's birth chart in order to make him invincible.

If anyone has more authentic and elaborative version of this story, then please share.

The point I have understood is God has not restricted anyone and everyone can achieve limitless potential through tapasya over one or many incarnations. Planets are only a symbol of what a man has acquired so far. Enlightened saints don't go after these gifts, they experience the limitless joy of God.


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@amit Yes. Being in India it is impossible to miss the story of Ravan. Didn't know about Jupiter and Saturn's play of adding Gulika in the 12th.

Posted by: @amit

The point I have understood is God has not restricted anyone and everyone can achieve limitless potential through tapasya over one or many incarnations.

Countless stories demonstrate how the 'written' fate was changed and interestingly there are also stories where the Tridevs speak of the inevitable.

Amit Bhat
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I think the idea is no one can escape the karma but everyone can make themselves whatever they want to be in due course of time through consistent and intelligent efforts. 

It is said Ravan did tapasya for 10000 years to get the boon from Brahma.

In these times, looks like if people meditate consistently for couples of incarnations properly, very likely they can achieve liberation.

So, no old karmas are meant to hold us forever. One day they will be  worked out and what matters is how a person is using their present to shape their future. 

God has given us the canvas. The painting we see on it is what we have drawn in our previous lives. If we don't like it, we can gradually erase it and make a new one that we like. I think that's how life works, people create their own destiny, God just gives us the framework and the options. Then planets reflect what we did.

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@amit I was eager to learn more but it seems like the link is broken. Can you provide another link  please?

Amit Bhat
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Yes it gives me a blank page with only "{forbidden}" when I click on it. Perhaps the same information is at another page?

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Amit Bhat
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It works fine for me, just try another browser, mobile or laptop.

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So what did Yogananda say about the impact of planets of our lives?

Personally I think they may not impact us at all, maybe they are just an omen of what´s going on. A cosmic dance, syncrhonizations. Reflections. Not saying, not in any way knowing.So: What´s Yoganandas opinion on the subject?


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Amit Bhat
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Please read the astrology chapter in autobiography of yogi book

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@amit Well, I don´t have it and don´t live in a country where I can get hold of it.

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