Switching to Tropic...
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Switching to Tropical

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Hi guys, 

So I'd be really interested to hear some of your stories about using the Tropical Zodiac. I am thinking about making the shift and would love to hear how you got on? Have many of you found it much more accurate? Has anyone not had so much success? What is your experience? 

P.s. is it possible to receive emails from this forum or do you just have to keep checking? 

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Amit Bhat
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Tropical is the way to go!! Start with checking lajjitadi avasthas.

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I think the most effective way to study this is to learn predictive techniques for very concrete material things like children, how big a house, color of car ect. 

Can't debate whether or not someone has kids or not or how many or the color of a car. 

When people debate whether there Mo is Gemini or Cancer, that is too subjective in my opinion. 

We need objective things to really determine this. 


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While tropical has always been spot on with my chart, it's the Ketu/Rahu placement in signs that sold it for me without a single doubt and I never looked back. I've had a couple of readings from what I would call well-known sidereal astrologers and it felt vague enough that it could apply to anyone and predictions were completely off. If you want to dive analytically into it, and beyond what Ernst already teaches, Vic DiCara did a YouTube series as a response to Sam Geppi. 

And, no, I never receive email notifications even though I've subscribed. So I've adopted the habit of checking in regularly. Not sure if others receive them though.

Hope this helps,


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Amit Bhat
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Imo - In India, in general astrology is not practiced to do psychological analysis, most things are spoken as of good, bad etc..  predictions are not expected to be said for a particular date... people are not expected to question the astrologer neither astrologer expects to be questioned... people are expected to believe rather to find out the truth... such astrology I see can be dangerous and misleading... BUT karma will cause people to do what they have to until there is more and more learning and clarity!!




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@amit Thanks for sharing. I've never personally consulted an astrologer from India (the sidereal astrologers I was referring to are North American) but I was under the impression that indeed this tended to be a good/bad process. As a "Westerner", I have to respect that other cultures approach life (and astrology) differently but such an approach is definitely not suited for me and I hear you when you say you see it as dangerous and misleading.

Amit Bhat
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Yeah, its better to have no astrology than misleading one!!

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Curious if you have had good readings by Indian astrologers? Or what has been your personal experience with them? 

Amit Bhat
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Not good experience indeed! The only good thing that happened is I lost trust on them and then found Ernst quickly!!

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@amit So you were lucky after all! ???? 

I keep saying - and meaning! - that it´s my greatest assets as an astrologer - my good nose for good teachers...


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@meyes Maybe that's a venus in the 9th thing?  The good nose for good teachers.  🙂


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@valen Maybe... There are several factor. It´s also supposed to be in that listening naksatra, don´t remember it´s name... While my Mercury supposingly is in Mula naksatra, good at revealing lies if that´s the case. And Jupiter conjunct Ketu. Who knows... But I recognized Ernst as a truthbringer - at least from a worldly perspective - the minute I saw him.


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@meyes that’s one thing I definitely need to learn more about is the nakshatras.  So fascinating.  I am drowning in information, there is so much to learn.  I sleep with the graha sutras under my pillow!  So far I have been giving decent readings to people and they are very appreciative but I could do so much better with learning the nakshatras and more yogas, predictive stuff, etc.

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Yeah Ernst is one badass astrologer. 

Amit Bhat
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Imo - To know what works well, lajjitadi avasthas should be enough if person is honest and without prejudice and ready to accept them as they are . So if you are a badass, tropical will reveal it!  The baseline is not sidereal or tropical, it is what am I and what reflects it correctly.

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Just make sure only to consider lajjitadi avashtas based on the Planets Rashi. The ones caused by planetary drishti will remain the same in both Zodiacs.

Please also note that there is a 20 percent chance a planet will have the same Rashi in both Zodiacs.

Amit Bhat
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There will be lot of scenarios, most should be straight forward especially where nodes get involved.

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Vic Dicara has made several readings of the birth charts of some famous people - among them Adolf Hitler and Albert Einstein I remember - where he compares the outcome from a tropical vs a sidereal perspective (the Nakshatras always sidereal). I recommend looking at those. You find them on youtube.

Also very good lessons for chart reading in general.


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I think a good debate from Vic and a sidereal astrologer (antardwipa das/shyamasundura das) is this: 


A bit of a mind twister though!!


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@scott-m-19 Thank you, I´ll watch it! I also love the video where he draws a line after having been accused of being rude. He says something like "I´m not rude, but I am a New Yorker, what do you expect from me!? And I´ve a heavy influence by Saturn!" Loved to see him in that mood, but you can tell that he´d had just enough. I don´t recommend anyone to whisper the word "sidereal" in Vic Dicaras ear for yet a couple of years, haha, unless it´s about the nakshatras of course. Maybe the same with Ernst, or have you recovered, master? 😉

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