Switching to Tropic...
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Switching to Tropical

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Just working my way through this Vic Dicara playlist all about tropical/sidereal. 

(99) The Tropical Zodiac in Vedic Astrology, with Vic DiCara - YouTube

Does anyone know any good tropical astrologers that still do readings? It seems that most of the big ones don't really give readings any more. Seems a shame. 






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@nickmichie23 Laura Barat I think and hope does so.



Ernst Wilhelm
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This matter of sidereal vs tropical astrology is very very tricky for a few reasons:

1. When we deal with subjective matters we are not dealing with truth 99% of the time. What I mean by this is that people are so full of ideas of who they are, who they should be, whats important to them, and its all BS. Much of it is not who they are AT ALL. Over a lifetime if we look at their lives and we look at how they think of themselves and how they potray themselves, these are very different pictures. So when a person looks at a zodiac and says its more like me, is it the REAL me, or the me that they created an image of, a mask, that actually does not hold up in life. One of the most amazing things to me about my journey in astrology has been to watch this happen in my life. To see something in my chart and think, YES, that's ME. And then to to through years of transformative experiences and see, wow, I didn't read that right (whether through wrong zodiac or simply wrong application of a technique ), that wasn't me, I am actually this. Now at 51 I look at my laugh and I just laugh. I laugh at what I though I was at 19, as I find out what indeed I am was something that I never thought of growing up to be. See, the thing we are, we don't think about that, its the things we are  not that we think about all the time! ANd then we look for the chart to explain to us what we are not but what we think we are and then sidereal dont work, tropical dont work, nothing works GOOD enough. So, the truth of a zodiac emerges to ones view only as the truth of ourselves emerges, otherwise there is just confusion. And even when others look at us subjectively, its all based on our mask, our portrayal of what we are not. How bad is this portrayal? THe disruption of energy that occurs when we portray instead of life as we really are is the most responsible part of disease, and how many sickness do we have in the world. That will give you a picture of this. NO WONDER we can't make up our minds about the zodiac! The people who are most adamantly attached to the wrong zodiac, they are the ones who are the most lost with respect to themselves and that is why they have to PUSH their zodiac onto others because its an act of personal validation of who they are not and so it comes with frustration. 

2. When we deal with the concrete, birth time is EVERYTHING. 4 seconds changes the results of your life with respect to concrete events. When predictions are made, they are using astrology that is not scientific enough to be accurate without intuition. Look at the hands of the predictive astrologers that have the most fun with it and who are the best of it, they have intuitive fingers, not intellectual fingers. Its up to us with the intellectual fingers to improve the techniques of astrology cause to the intuitive astrologer they think the techniques they use actually work. One famous predictive astrologer owns me 5,000 because they had a technique they swore was 90% accurate and they asked us to program it for them. We did, it never worked. It gave 50% results on a  simple question with 2 options. There was no technique there, but they were predicting these things regularly in their practice. They said, its not working, and since i can't sell the report, I can't pay you. 

The last 4 years I have been working on a predictive technique that pulls all of Parashara principles into one package of high accuracy. Its very exciting, uses ALL the vargas for EVERY prediction because I have seen so often with my twins born a minute apart how different the events of their lives are and its only explained by looking at ALL vargas for EVERY prediction. It sounds overwhelming, I know, but its not, ITS SO SIMPLE. Its the most simple clear method I have worked on. However, I have some road blocks that are making the techique give good results but not perfect results as of now: One is the birth time, the other is the Vimshottari Dasa as there are several factors that change vimshottari dasa: 4 options for year lengths, three options for nakshatra calculation, and 2 options for vimshottari, so that's 24 permutations, and that's for each ayanamsa and there are more ayanamsas than there are good predictive astrologers,  haha. Every important event one of my twins has that the other does not, which means EVERY  event cause they never have events of importance that are the same or on the same day, helps me get a little closer to overcoming the hurdles. 

3. When we deal with the concrete, the techniques are in such bad shape that its so hard to make a prediction that its very difficult to test with concrete as well. So, how can we test our calculations when our techniques need work and how can we improve our techniques when the calculations are not trustworthy? That's what you call a bad relationship. Like when you are in love and one person needs something from you and you can't give it because they are not giving you something you need and they cant give it because you can't give them what they need. The nonworking-relationship circle. A catch 22. The only cure, is comiting and and taking the time needed for the insights to come that allow the problem to be solved. 

4. And finally, the final reason that we struggle with determining the correct zodiac is that maybe neither sidereal or tropical is correct, at least in their presentation. That's a harsh statement, but its one that every researcher has to consider. Lets think about this, there is no mention of a useable zodiac of Aries, taurus, etc. in Indian literature written in the BC ages. Jaimini is 300-600 years before that and it mentions rasis and when he calls the rasis as aries, he says, if I say aries, ignore it, I dont mean aries, I mean a number that is the rasi from 1-12. Why does he put aries, taurus, etc. down like that? What does he have against aries, taurus, etc? So while jaimini does mention aries, etc. he does not do so as USABLE names. 

There is a 12 fold division of the ecliptic that is tropical mentioned in the rig veda, but no names attached to the divisions. The earliest names of the 12 divisions are the Adityas. These are twelve solar gods that rule the solar months of the year. Aditi is their mother. Aditi is the infinite, the boundless, the undivided. The Adityas are what is there when we break Aditi up, so I see Aditi as the ecliptic of which the Adityas, her children, are the solar months. The 12 adityas have a lot of symbolism attached to them. They each have beings who accompany them during their monthly sojourn each year. These beings are a rishi, a snake, a Rakshasa, a gandharva, etc. which provide the symbolism for the month. The first aditya rules the first month of spring, which is from about feb 21-march 21, with the second month of spring being march 21 to april 21. I am in the process of digging up information all all these beings that accompany the adityas in order to flesh out the symbolism of of this rasi symbolism which is the oldest found in India, long before the names of Aries, taurus, etc. existed in India. its a tropical division, no chance of it having to do with sidereal, and there may be a lot of symbolism in these Adityas that without, the tropical zodiac is being misrepresented and thus not to everyone's satisfaction. 


This is not a time in astrology for those who seek instant gratification in perfection - to much work needs to be done. Its a time for researchers who enjoy the challenge - those will be the happy astrologers. And those intuitives, they are always happy astrologers. I really hate how easy it is for them to be happy with astrology! BV raman used to say, if you want to make good predictions with astrology, MEDITATE. Its true, with all the issues we have to sort out with astrology, developing your intuition is the fastest way to predict well. Learning the best techniques available, that will help point your intuition closer to the mark, but until we can predict two twin's different lives accurately in a mechanical fashion without intuition, we still have work to do on our techniques. 

The other things to remember is that there is NOTHING on this earth that is about perfection. NOTHING. Its all about getting to the next step. That's ALL. So if astrology with this or that zodiac, this or that technique, helps you get to the next step, then it served its purpose. Its all about taking the next step. We need to gain the insights we need for that next step. However we get it, it does not matter. For some reason, all of us, are here because we can get that next step with astrology. There may be a time when we won't get the next step from astrology and then we need to leave astrology and do whatever it is that is going to get us to the next step. 

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@ernst amazing! That's how I feel about it too ????

Amit Bhat
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God blessed you with a twin for helping deeper investigation in astrology. That's a blessing for all learning from you.

All the finer details start lining up in higher vargas where I believe people pay the least attention. 

Thanks for sharing your knowledge 

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@amit pity he has not triplings or quarterlings ;-)))

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The Parashara predictive work sounds really exciting! 

I love how you have twins...so perfect for your studies! My favorite part is that you got the birth times to the second during what would be an intense/sacred experience for most people (child birth!!). ???? ???? 

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Very interesting and thought-provoking Ernst.

But I am surprised you are still spending so much time and energy on more and more detailed, precise, concrete predictions these current days, considering how you feel about the questionable value of predictive-oriented astrology for most typical civilian public astrology clients.

No offense though. I don't want to try to draw conclusions or judge.

But all that exalted intelligence in the secretive 8th house, which also involves the lagna/Ketu lord. And then a Mula Moon...

Lol, Who are you working for? ???? ???? 

What is the plan and vision, other than "the study of astrology", that you, or more concerningly, someone who is not as sattvic as you are, may have? What of other folks who may be precociously interested in your advanced prediction technology for some other reasons, be they "well-meaning" or not.

Whose hands is this new supercomputer prediction-generating program you've been hinting at really going to end up in behind the scenes? Hands you may not have intended them for? Or if you did, that you might later regret and then have no control over anymore?

A fortunate blessing of those astrologers who have developed astounding predictive abilities, but are still using the "wrong" zodiac in India, is that by meditating, praying, being close to a guru, and developing raw intuition for their accuracy, they have simultaneously developed at least enough sattvic qualities to have a built-in spiritual protective measure that can help modify how and when they use and receive that knowledge (as elitist as that may sound). Though a few of them may misuse or misdirect those siddhis, in general I would guess that they are more likely to be guided by their inner voice than people who solely use only their left brain logic to cynically operate in the world, and then are handed a pre-created prediction machine.

If a bunch of insecure and conniving secular leaders (national, corporate, financial, global, social, or pirate/rogue/criminal leaders, etc.), hackers, and powerful delusional idealist innovators who believe a technological utopia is just around the corner and can solve everything, etc. ie those who are all entrenched in the secular world of paranoia, envy, consumerism, competition, jealousy, greed, fear, and a need for ever-increasing power and control and fake security, have a miraculous program... an AI predictive machine just handed to them - one that does all the work for them - work based on knowledge that takes years or decades of study to learn, or years or decades to even deserve to learn, that was kept secret for many reasons (some of those reasons are still valid today, not just in the Kali Yuga), what trends may come from that? What unintended consequences?

It already takes a great IQ like yours to tackle those astrological disciplines, but studying them, as you have, can actually help grow the IQ even further and awaken the inner voice. Hence;

"This is not a time in astrology for those who seek instant gratification in perfection"

True. But for good or ill, it has become golden age for those who seek instant gratification in technology. And smart technology and AI is not only becoming everything now, it also is also connecting everything and everyone. However, not only are the immune systems of the general population weakening, IQs are also getting lower and lower, as are empathy levels (more disturbingly) and social and emotional intelligence.

But there are always a handful of people who keep getting more and more clever and manipulative, inner voice or not. More and more we keep trusting algorithms designed by elite hipster savants, who work long relentless hours pumped up on experimental grey-market nootropics and smart drugs and employed by big-tech in the prime of their youth, to make predictions, profiles, sales, and even moral judgments that, in the right hands, can supposedly "protect" us. Those data collectors, and the AI that uses algorithms to make predictions on citizens and consumers, depend on us not using our inner voice and our 25%. If we keep setting off red flags by repeatedly using our inner voice and "free will", will there eventually become a time where we will be seen as a threat to be killed off ? Possibly a bit far-fetched for now ???? 

But does AI or a software program have an "inner voice" of its own? Even if it is an advanced Jyotish software program? So what happens if a population of humans who have lost their own inner voice depend on that technology for knowing reality, and apprehending it, or even creating or freezing it?

Do we want "Consulting the Gods" to be replaced by "Consulting AI" in astrological prediction and be made easy for everyone, including those who may not have an inner voice or who have not studied the greater philosophy of "Astrology and How to Live" type stuff?

You've worked your ass off for years for the knowledge and ability you now have and teach. I hope you are careful about who all it is packaged and made easier for, and who it may end up being sold out to.

I'm scared.

P.S. I meant all of this in a slightly more light-hearted and rhetorical way than it may seem. Wasn't meant to be as presumptuously disapproving as it sounds. Everyone can feel free to ignore it.



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Dear @ernst 

This is a truly amazing explanation. Thank you. lets just hope when time comes up for leaving Jyotish for the next step we can truly do it.

I would like to share an experience about your first point.

As you may know I had my first vedic astrology course about 25 years ago and have studied astrology professionally for 19 years. Even though I have started studying with you for a few years, being used to Sidereal Zodiac, it took me some time to switch to tropical zodiac, less than a year ago.

Mean while I have been in a psychological group therapy for 13 years with the focus of leaving our surface feelings and individualization,  towards more subtle states. With the help of our instructor, this process has brought me close to understanding  very subtle psychological states of my self and a few other individuals.

Through the whole process I was matching what was happening with us to our birth charts with little success. It was through this process that I found out what i have been taught is not working at all. This brought me to you about 3 years ago.

Your teachings were a great break through. They were much more deeper and matched our psychology much better. but something was still blurry.

Switching to the tropical Zodiac was like focusing a camera. What seemed so blurry became so clear. This was not just my experience but also our psychological instructor who was always encouraging me to understand and explain what was happening astrologically. Using your teachings with Tropical Zodiac, My interpretations matched  the deepest understanding of our psychology perfectly. Even I couldn't believe how accurate they are. I have never felt and seen such an accuracy in any other school of jyotish.

For example using the tropical zodiac the effect of house rulership as per your teachings in the Rashi Sutras makes sence and matches the psychology of each birth chart perfectly. It's not just an OK Match, No! it is it! word for word,syllable to syllable it is the Native on a very deep psychological state. A state usually individuals don't feel themselves.

At this point there is no dout in my mind that tropical zodiac is perfect for this state of psychological analysis.

Thank you.

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Dear All

Dear @ernst

Please also check my post about my experience with Prashna and tropical Zodiac:


Ernst Wilhelm
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Yes, I have thought a lot about the nadis and how they give sidereal positions. I wish its something I could investigate more and actually read the leaves and have them dated. Are they translating them into the modern convention in india and do they even have rasis in them? who knows. But it should be investigated. I had a friend who went to nadis all over india. Very famous ones, unknown ones. He really was into seeing what they could do. He would take a 2 day train trip to visit one and then turn right around. The consistent thing with all his nadi readings was that they gave amazing details about his life upto the present, amazing details about his parents and family, but that most of the predictions for the future did not happen. So the past was accurate, the future accuracy was really poor. That makes me wonder, are many of these nadi's just working as psychics? Cause that is what I regularly experience with psychics, very accurate about past, but lost about the future. 

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I also had the same exact experience with a Nadi Reader in India. Everything was accurate up to the moment when I met him but the predictions were really poor as you mentioned.

He only took my thumb print, not even my name, and told me he must search through his stack of leaves. I came back the next day. He had brought a bunch of nadi leaves which he went trough them asking if my names start with this or that letter when he found the leaves for names with starting with an R he went to the first letter of my mothers name until he found a match.

Then he read my hole name and surname with my parents and siblings names he gave me my exact date and time of birth and very accurate details about who I am and my past. But what he told me about my future proved to be wrong just a few months after i had met him.

It was a strange and amazing experience which brought up a lot of questions. When his future predictions started to prove wrong it even created more questions about the whole thing!

Ernst Wilhelm
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@ramin There is one type of nadi that has results written for every rasi chart permutation possible. WITHOUT the lagna. All the planetary positions replay themselves to the rasi every 60 years. So they find your chart, but its not really yours, as it has no lagna. So of course, how good can predictions be without lagna or vargas?

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Hi Ernst,

Why would the psychics be accurate about past but not about future?



Ernst Wilhelm
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@anand because the past is in your memories, it happened and so they are just reading you. Much easier than reading something the person has not experienced.

Ernst Wilhelm
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There is something called the Jyotish Nadis. That is when the light opens up energetically in a person and they can do readings without astrology. Its still considered jyotish as its based on energy which is light and jyotish means light. So I wonder if these nadi readers are reading as Jyotish Nadis. 

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I have a couple questions about Tropical though. 

When I use my Sidereal software with Lahiri, will the Vimshotarri dashas still be correct as we use Sidereal for nakshatras? Will the nakshatras still be correct? Or will they be wrong. I notice on vault of the heavens, the nakshatras/dashas are quite different. 

But then if talking about the rashis, I use tropical?

Or where can I learn about this? I am starting the Parivartan course now.

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What software do you use? Most of us here use Kala software. 

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@scott-m-19 Hey Scott, I use Parashara's Light. Will definitely make the switch when I can. But for now, my question is will the Nakshatras and dashas still be correct as per Lahiri. I'm guessing no!

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