Switching to Tropic...
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Switching to Tropical

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Ernst Wilhelm
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Developing predictive astrology is all about developing the science of astrology. The science of astrology needs a lot of refining as do all sciences in the world, there is still a lot to learn, a lot of error to remove, a lot to discover even in these old sciences that languished in quality during the dark ages. 


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@ernst I definitely agree with that part. That is the main way we know astrology works and that the calculations are right.

How can we even use astrology to help people if the calculations are wrong. We can't know what calculations to use without testing predictions.

Ernst Wilhelm
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Using the word correct with any ayanamsa used for dasa calculation is a subjective question. An astrologer has to decide on which one to use based on their experience and testing. Vault of the heaven's uses a different ayanamsa for nakshatras than Lahiri. Lahiri puts the star chitra in the midle of chitra nakshatra. THe ayanamsa used on vaultoftheheavens puts the galacitc center in the middle of Mula nakshatra. The difference is over 3 degrees. If we put the galactic plane in the middle of mula instead of the galactic center itself, then we get an ayanamsa that is 26.5 minutes different than lahiri. WHa tis interesting is that lahiri later stated that he neglected an aspect of calculting his ayanamsa and that if he could do it all over again, he would add about 27 minutes to the lahiri ayanamsa, which would make it coincide with putting the galactic plane in the middle of Mula. ANyone who likes lahiri ayanamsa, I STRONGLY suggest using the ardhra galactic plane ayanamsa instead, which is my name for the ayanamsa where the galactic plane is in the middle of mula, which puts it at the beginning of ardra on the other side. I used this ayanamsa until end of 2006 with siderael astrology and I still think this ayanamsa has a lot of merit as I have talked about elsewhere. 

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Is science still correcting and updated the precise location of the galactic plane from time to time to be more accurate?

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Just weighing in on the tropical debate, I have the exact opposite problem of @Leela.

To me, when I see my chart in Sidereal, I'm like "that makes total sense". Then when I see it in Tropical, that makes total sense to me too. 

I guess we are just so complex and infinitely difficult to define in words and concepts. And of course self-deception is a huge factor. We all like to see ourselves a certain way, and we are mostly quite different from the version we create in our minds. 

I think the zodiac debate is so hard for this reason. But it is nice to see people challenging tradition and asking questions about long established ways of doing. 

People can be quite fixed about their Zodiacs. I guess we all just have to do our own research and hopefully publish/share what we find 🙂

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Sidereal vs tropical zodiac:

For me it was simply stripping it all down to the essence of the signs.  Layering a bunch of different techniques and criteria while comparing two zodiacs often muddles everything up, because we can always find a way to justify everything. I'm revealing myself as a shitty scientific astrologer (even though I do rely heavily on technique) but the signs have an energetic quality that becomes difficult to mistake overtime. But I know that doesn't mean shit in a scientific discussion lol. 

The avasthas  really make it clear though. Especially with what Ernst did with the avasthas in Medical Astrology. I have yet to see sidereal astrologers use the rasis in a way that is truly meaningful in medical astrology, which is crazy because they all have clear anatomical indications...

Also, the fact that Rasi means a portion of 30 degrees says it all to me.

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@brooke And the simply fact that the stars are not visible when Sun is up. If that´s not an indicator I don´t know what.

Plus you make a fool of yourself if you celebrate the easily dated astronomical event known as winter solstice three weeks too late. Makes sidereal looks like complete idiots, honestly, to my little and humble knowing about this matter. I just feel that I don´t need to know more that that, like the kid in the story of "the emperor´s New Cloth" - "His naked, stupid!"

I´m 52, I came late to astrology, don´t have the time to be more ellaborate than that. ???? 


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