11th House
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11th House

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I have enjoyed reading everyone's postings as i have always learned something. Do i agree with all of them? No, i don't. But that is irrelevant because everyone is entitled to express their opinions.  This is a really good forum as the moderator, Ernst, is very open to allow people to post all kind of questions. He does not belittle people people for posting basic questions or expressing their opinions, whatever that might be. If you can't ask simple questions, then you are not going to be able to ask more complex questions, and the vastness of astrology, you could ask all sort of questions. Ernst answered as many questions as possible, and many of us pitch in to answers some of them. Collectively as a group, there is a lot of knowledge, experiences to share here.

Having said that, it is important to respect other people's opinions. You can disagree with someone graciously/peacefully. Ernst does that all the time. Just read the tone when he replied to questions.  You can say "I won" but deep inside if you are not happy then so what? People challenged Ernst why this why that, but he never said "I am right". He just said my experiences tell me this is the way to do it. He said the results of my testing tell me this is the way to go. That is the scientific side of astrology. For me personally, i learn the most when i am wrong.

We all come from different backgrounds with different life experiences. I just finished the Vimshottari course and in the D-24 it is about knowledge and understanding. If you could understand the other person's point of view/perspective, then that knowledge will give you the inner understanding of life. You don't have to agree with their perspective. It gives you tolerance.

I have studied my own chart for the last 6 years so i thank you for offering doing a reading for me. I think I am good.  I do appreciate your sharing COT about the Queen of Spades with me a couple of years ago. Yes, it might be a rare card, but I am no different than anyone else. I have my strengths and my weaknesses just like everyone else. There is always room for improvement...



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@tuyetv As I said, I see this from a broader perspective in which women are now taking over powerful positions, yet keep the privilege to shame and lie, and when they are held accountable make up a false reason to be the victim. It´s not about me, it´s about the new generation growing up. It´s about boy checking out from school. Already 59 % of the pupils in high school in the United States are girls, a number that increases rapidly. Soon very few young men are going to have even a high school degree. Those who carries on into universities are being schooled in a gender theory that tells them that it´s basically shameful to be a man. Many are going to drop out, many of those who carries on are going to be emotionally crippled for life. I have two boys, I´m not going to let them have the opportunity to ask me why I let it happened. Because I am not going to let it happen, I am going to call it out. We are sleeping. We are letting the experiment of letting men and women study side by side and working side by side ruining our society. This is not a small issue, this is about a complete demographic collapse coming up in the Western world. Already in South Korea, which culturally obviously is something in between but it´s definitely part of the industrialized world, every woman give birth to only 0,8 children. That means a decline in population in the range of over 90 % in three generations. Without any war, pandemic or natural disasters, only based on the catastrophy that we are creating by not balancing the masculine and the female principles. Someone has to call the problem out, and as I say: As a father of two boys and a girl I don´t see a way around it. I do it. That´s the context, from my point of view. I´m not keeping my head in the sand.

I am glad that you liked the reading. As an autistic astrology my approach to people is something that I struggle with every day. I want to do many reading, but I do not want to deal with people who are not interesting in - take my words for the worth they may or may not have - seeing the reality we are living in.

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As for astrology indications; someone critized me for not referring to astrology in this discussion, but to me that it´s irrelevant since it´s a meta discussion about the forms of how to discuss.

With that said: I haven´t dived that deep into the Vargas, I kind of changed over to the cards and chose to deepen my understanding for them first. Maybe some day, but the problem is as always the exact the birth time. I´m not that good at predicting things in a concrete way, which you have to be to rectify a chart.

But I´ll give you a couple of astroogical indications that may cast some light on my attitude in these things, whether it´s interesting or not.

In Human Design, that Ernst sometimes refer to, my task in life is supposed to be "stir the pot". Not with that exact words though; I don´t remember how it´s formulated.

In Cards of Truth my Ecliptic card is King of Heart, the Father card. Tough love, sacrificing relationships when needed. Defending principles.

My Uranus card, the card that indicates our innermost core, where we shine the most: King of Diamonds. Someone who defends his values even if they burn him alive. Navalny, the Russian dissident who deliberately went to Putin´s prison and was killed recently, was a King of Diamonds. I wish I remember who else; there was a similar example the other day; someone who sacrificed themselves for their believes.

Then the Pluto card is 4 of clubs, which means that dogmatism does not work for me, life punishes me for that. So there is a duality. Especially since that´s also my overlying card: my destination in life you could say, what I´m growing into. So now that I´m 55 I´m more prone to grow into a working theory, a working philosophy that i have had access to before, I believe. I don´t base this on my whimpy emotions, I base it on all the signs around me indicating a collapsing culture. And I struggle no to identify too much with it, not become a Quijote for the Sake, but rather focus on my prayers and my wives herbal medicines that I help her with. But right now we are separated by life; she´s in her hometown working and I don´t move there until May, so I guess I spend a little too much time on the internet, or in this forum...

Ernst Wilhelm
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we can't abandon any house, we can only surrender it. We are always progressing towards the 11th house. Whatever is in it, gets better over time. 

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@ernst may i ask if in case the lord of the 11th is in the 12th, does that mean that the planets and the sign sitting in the 11th eventually will be lost and will not grow over time?

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@ernst with this said, is there such a thing as the maturation of each house?  Does this question make sense?

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The 12th house represents many things other than Losses. It represents prisons, hospitals, quality of sleep and beds, spiritual journeys, pilgrimages or journey to foreign lands, temples, trade involving long travel, bed pleasures ect... 11th Lord in the 12th could indicate generating income through hospitals or prisons, cash flow through foreign countries and connections, maybe involved in charitable or humanitarian activities, sleep expert if the planet is in good dignity. If the planet is not in good dignity, you could have losses, cash flow troubles, unable to maximize earnings potential, possible imprisonment from improper financial transactions, nightmares ect...   



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@tuyetv 👋 I am asking for myself, i have moon and sun in the 12th. The sun is the ruler of Jupiter, Mercury and Venus.

I struggle a lot with fatigue and low energy. Lately even more. So sleep expert indeed (still no nightmares, thankfully). I am just really worrying about all that 12th house influence over almost my whole chart.

thanks for the reply 🙏

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@katalina1 If Moon is dark and Venus starved then there is a great challenge to getting nourishment, needs met, fulfillment, true rest, relaxation and rejuvenation, emotions.  Challenge to water element.  Possibly use nakshatra indications of Moon and Venus to increase thier potency along with Moksha lords.

Velvet bean, Mucuna Pruriens is legume for Venus.  Don't know it your over 50, but there is an article about velvet bean increasing energy for women.


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@quasar259 indeed i have some issues with the things you mention, furthermore i have no planetary placements in water signs, so this comes diffucult for me. I have tried Mucuna Pruriens, didnt affect me much. I will check the other one and try it out. Thanks you 🙏👍

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@katalina1 you must have planets in water signs in vargas, how about D16, D20, D24?

Ernst Wilhelm
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11th connected to 12th is often ashrams. 12th is temples, etc. 11th is groups, put them together and you have someone spending a lot of time, maybe living in an ashram type environment. 

It can also mean, if things are starved, that a person spends way too much on their goals. Things may go wrong and so expenses build up. So its expensive to reach goals. 



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@ernst thank you 🙏🙏🙏

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@katalina1 I am sorry about your lack of quality of sleep. Are you running the Dasa of the 11th Lord? A couple of years ago i learned that the 12th house represents pleasures of the bed or through sleep related matters. One can certain say if one gets a good night sleep, that is a bed pleasure. Dreams are Moon and the 11th I believe. Sleeping is Saturn...

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@tuyetv hi, actually, it is the opposite, i sleep too much and spend lots of time in the bedroom. A lot of fatigue and feeling drained all the time. At times i feel that i dont have any connection to the real world.. 

i am currently running the dasa of Rahu in the 4th and the antardasa of venus which is my ascendant lord and in leo in 11th.


Ernst Wilhelm
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@katalina1 Either sleeping badly or sleeping to much is due to not living life fully as one needs to. This happens 99% of the time because a person is repressing some emotions and without hearing those emotions they cannot guide their lives right or know what they really need. This will of course, manifest as some physical symptom that a doctor may think needs treatment but the cause is simply not working with the emotions in the way that they are meant to help us. And of course, Rahu in 4th is going to struggle with this. To heal this is not difficult, it just takes constant awareness. So watch your body, watch when you get an energy dip, or some pain flares up anywhere in your body, at that moment look for what you just missed in your emotions. Was a feeling just coming up that is painful or upsetting or depressing and it gets swept under the rug so fast berore you can recognize it fully because maybe the solution to that feeling seems impossible or overwhelming? SOmething like that, find tha tfeeling and let yourself feel it 100%. That feeling is telling you what you NEED. or what you DONT NEED. Feel the conviction that you have the power and choice to go and get that need met no matter what other parts of you or the outside world is saying! If its someting you don't need, Feel the conviction that if it's something you don't need that you will NOT allow that into your life. that when it comes you will simply and firmly say, NO fucking way! 

the emotions are always communicating to us and the moment we ignore them, the body will give a problem and that is a sign to Look at the emotions. If we chronically don't look, we get chronic and more debilitating physical problems. Constant fatique, what they call chronic fatique symptom is simply that. Nothing wrong with the body, but the emotions are chronically not being utilized. 

So thats how to monitor the downs of the body, but what if you are already down? either in pain or worn out al the time or sleeping to much or not at all? Then simply lay down, and let your feelings flow through the fatigue or the restlessness or the pain whatever the symptom may be. don't fight these things, just let the emotions FLOW through these things and out of your body, so let your feelings flow out through your fatigue. let the energy of the feelings flow out through the physical  problem. Pay attention to any feelings that may arise. The energy of repressed feelings that we are unaware of is what we have to let out, and when doing that some feelings may arise that we need to pay attention to, if they do, recognize them, spend time with them, and realize they are telling you something about  YOU, either what you need or what you don't need. What hurts you, or what helps you. 

I healed years of reoccurring severe jaw and back pain in a few days doing that. Back  pain that would leave me crawling around the house because i was  unable to stand, sometimes for upto 3 weeks, and jaw pain so severe 4x pain killers would do nothing to alleviate the pain and I would be disabled by pain for days at a time not able to think. This really works! 

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@ernst if i may share, that i am going through my emotions for several months now heavily. Crying myself to sleep almost every night. And things just get worse and worse. So i am starting to doubt if i am self suggesting to myself and deepening the drama and the pain or i am releasing and i am in some sort of a healing crisis. I will take you reply as a sign from the universe that indeed i am doing the right thing and hope for the best. Thanks 🙏

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