Its really a matter of saying what is helpful and not saying what is harmful. There are NO firm rules to this. You have to have the sensitivity to do this. Once I had a client come, I said, you have been to astrologers before? She said yes, and I said, they ALL said you would be wealthy? And she said yes. And I said, when you said, No, i am not wealthy, they said, You certainly will be one day. She said, that is correct, they all said I would be very wealthy one day. And I said, Well, I am here to tell you that you will NEVER be wealthy.
This may seem like an inappropriate thing to say. However, upon my saying this, she laughed in relief and said, oh, thank you so much for saying that! All these astrologers said I should be wealthy and I don't even care about money and I was thinking I was doing something wrong! Now I know I am living my life just right!
haha. Readings are so funny sometimes.
But if this person changes her mind on wealth, wouldn't an emphatic word like "NEVER" become the cause of an unnecessary issue or a deep block and suppression that lingers, which could have been avoided with a different approach?
Of course, one could argue a reading is just "for the moment", but human mind doesn't work like that. People remember things said in the past. Moreover, astrologers are not really advising people to take their readings as being "for the moment", but as being final.
In that case, she has lots of astrologers saying she WILL be rich so she can easily brush me off as a failure.
I would not say that to a person who had not had those predictions, that's why I asked her what the other astrologers said.
I´m revisiting the outer planets course, and in that Ernst gives the advice to use the outer planets to gloss over some more difficult predictions, when you realize that the person isn´t prepared for to hear them. It´s in the first audio.
Or... "gloss over"... Balance the more concrete prediction with a little more longterm and spiritual considerations.