Last seen: Mar 8, 2025
I feel passion is rajasic, inspiration is satvic, and negative emotions (including blandness or ennui) are tamasic. Rajasic component is necessary t...
@ernst But if this person changes her mind on wealth, wouldn't an emphatic word like "NEVER" become the cause of an unnecessary issue or a deep block ...
I remember once Ernst mentioning that scientific accuracy in astrology was something around the 80% mark. I don't remember the exact figure, but it wa...
Interesting idea. I agree with the other poster that 4-6 seem off, but I'd add that 7-9 also seem off. Maybe the below works better. It also has an or...
Some divine experiences are spontaneous. Even Ramana Maharishi's experience was spontaneous, initially (as a teenager). Our subtler self, our higher s...
It's not clear to me how you reached the conclusion of your experience having been with "low-spirits". It's possible to have an 'out of body' experien...
@staffan Yes Harp has that expansive quality.. heavenly, cosmic, galactic, even. But that's why more like a Ju-Mo conjunction, as I mentioned. Oh I ju...
Interesting! If I may add/comment:- I'd add Harp for Jupiter. or better- a Jupiter Moon conjunction.Organ also has something Jupiterian about it, due ...
@ernst Does it have to be a cilantro shake or can we just eat the leaf and drink water with it? Also, a few years ago I had undergone an ayurvedic tre...
@staffan I think overcompensating boldness and brashness is more a shame by Rahu. Shame by Ketu can be shy, quiet, hiding... Secretly licking one...
@nkan For me it's in the 6th
@nkan I also have Venus-Jupiter conjunction, but Venus is my Rahu lord so I see it as a good thing. Th article resonates with me a lot more than ...
It's also interesting to see different astrologers interpretations of all this. I used to read this blog, and like the depth she brings to her inte...
@ernst On a slight tangent. So if someone has Rahu in Taurus (which I do), they should focus on what? acquiring resources? Understanding resourc...
Did you use the karakas where Lagna is part of it, or the one without?