Ruler of X in Y
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Ruler of X in Y

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When i first studied astrology i studied the meaning of the houses then i studied the meaning of the planets. Then i spent some time analyzing lord of the 1st in the 1st house, lord of the 1st in the 2nd house and so on just to see how i would interpret things that i know about the houses which at the time is not very much. It was a good mental exercise...

Ryan Kurczak and Richard Fish published a book titled "Art and Science of Vedic Astrology Volume II", and that was what he did. He went through the ruler of the sign through all the houses. The yoga class that is taught by Ernst is also excellent for this as mentioned above by Zumrut.

As Ernst said you also need to look at the dignity, the avasthas of the ruler in the houses that it is in too. Per Ryan's book this is what he said about ruler of the 7th in the 9th:

Parashara Bhava Yoga: "the lord of Wife standing in the Dharma Bhava - union with various women, the native's mind is taken away by his wife, the person is the performer of many undertakings"

Positive Influence: Partners are ethical and interested in law or religion. Relationships are dharmic. Partners support one's dharma. Mate gets along with one's parents. Mate is of one's own religion. One is lucky in foreign land. One is lucky in business. One is lucky getting lucky. Marriage is both fulfilling sexually and dharmically. Has partnerships in distant land. Good a legal skills in developing partnerships. Share similar beliefs of faith as partners. Partners are talented and have many skills and hobbies. Partnership contribute to fortune. Find fulfillment in religious or spiritual commitments

Negative Influence: Partners or mate distracts one from life path or dharma. Partners do not share the same culture, beliefs or philosophical views. Mates may not get along well with parents. Mate or partners are too focused on developing their own talents, skills or hobbies. Mate or partnership interfere with one's own fortune. Father is harmed or dies during the dasha of this combination. Does not find fulfillment in religious or philosophical commitments.

As for ruler of the 9th in the 7th:

Parashara Bhava "The lord of Fortune standing in the Wife Bhava - more and more happiness from the union with the wife, virtuous and praised Dvijasattama"

Positive Influence: enjoyable marriage. Has good relationship with others. well loved. Having committed relationship boots happiness, success and fortune. Does trade in other countries or with foreigners. Support partner's dharma. Good mediator. Partner may be involved in law, ethics, higer education or religion. Devoted to helping others understand their place in life. Partner is successful in foreign business or has many travels

Negatiave Influence: Strong belief, faith or sense of right or wrong drives partner away. Tries to evangelize others. Feels superior morally. Religious ideals or interest interfere with business success or trade. Committed relationships or partnerships do not support of one's path. Guru interferes with partnership or marriage. Parents do not approve of mate.




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wow both answers help me a lot, thank you very much guys!
i really appreciate it ???? 

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Seems like you are asking about the mechanics of the houses and how to interchange/mix and match them.  The Planet/Graha/Lord is the Karaka/producer/cause agent.  The house that it is in is the conditioning factor, the field that conditions how the planet goes about creating the house effects that it's a lord of.  The cause and the condition coming together create the result.  So 1st in 10th = One's sense of self in the field of activity in the world = A career to promote the Self; and then switch, 10th in 1st = Lord of Activity in the world in the field of the self = self employment.  There are similarities here but also differences.  Self employment is not always promoting the self or a self inspired idea.  As Ernst says the Avastha tells the story.

This is similar to planets in rasis/signs.  Sun in Aries - Sun is the Cause, Aries the condition and combination of exhalation is the result.  Concerning bhavas, the Lord of a particular bhava will strive to bring about its effects through the fields and agency of the houses it is in.  So when the Lord of Partnerships finds themselves in the Land of Beliefs, Partnerships will be conditioned by beliefs and partnerships through shared beliefs.  Since houses have manifold meanings the interpretation of any particular house lords in another house will be in the context of the query.  So in the context of the 9th house connotation of Fortune, when the Lord of the 9th is in the 7th house of partnerships then Fortune comes through partnerships/marriages.  These interpretations must be scrubbed through the filters of the Avasthas in order to come to the success or failure of such enterprise.  This is one reason why the classes Ernst has taught on the Lajjitaddi Avashtas are so important in bringing awareness to the self-limiting and self-destructive aspects of negative Avasthas that create barriers to the manifestation of the bhavas.

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@quasar259 wow thank you so much thus is really helpful! ????

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Hey @quasar259 and what about the houses? When you're the ruler of X house, do you consider the cusp or the rasi from the lagna?

I also have been looking for more info in the forum and now i understand the sign from the lagna is how you percibe that house connotation; for example the 4th rasi from the lagna tell us how we see/feel our mum, but the sign where the 4th cusp will tell us how our mother really is? Have i understood it well? In this case, what about the dad? don't we look the 10th to see how we see and feel about our dad and the 9th to see how he is in fact? how we'd work the father's case?

Thank you, you don't know how many times i have read your last answer! it really helped me ❤️ 

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