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Starved Planets

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Hi Ernst,

A few questions -

  • Starved planets help us go beyond our limitations, but that the starvation needs to be fulfilled inwardly? Is that correct?
  • In the case of a person who has Mercury starved by the Moon, and Venus is agitated by the Sun - the person has been trying to learn something for the past decade that they are aware is hard for them, and they are making extremely slow progress. They are not expecting anything out of it, except that they want to be able to master it one day. On the other hand, there is something else they can do that is very easy for them to learn, but they find it too easy and hence boring to do. Is this scenario typical of these Avasthas? Is this what they should continue to do? Or should they change their way of doing and focus more on what is easy for them to do but make it more challenging? There are other Avasthas in play that I have not listed. 

    In this case, isn’t being able to master a subject one day not ok? Yes, the person does get frustrated, but not so much that it affects other parts of their life.

  • Starved planets corresponding to the cards behave differently when they are red or black, or odd or even? Is that correct?
13 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
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Not exactly, people don't try to learn anything about starved planets. they use them in a way that does not work, then they use them the same way, then the same way, and yet again the same way, that's why they are starved. So imagine you go to the kitchen without really thinking and just grab some food. The starved planet grabs a piece of cake and a bag of potato chips. The delighted planet grabs some ripe peaches. Its all done habitually. So starved planets are bad because they represent habitual actions that do not give the results the planet needs. Until the person becomes aware that this habit is ruining their life, they wont change it anymore than a person will stop smoking until they realize what its diong for them. 

black starved cards show a person's direct actions do not work, red starved cards show they habitually let things into their lives that won't work. 

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Leah T
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@ernst Appreciate this answer.  If Guru is severely starved, how does one figure out the conundrum? 

Can't locate my notes on this, but I believe per shadbala they could default to using Mars.  But Jupiter isn't working, so they are still doing it wrong even if they think it's a new "habit" - feels like a Chinese finger trap... Says the person with starved Jupiter in 12th.  

Ernst Wilhelm
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A starved Jupiter person does not know how to let their goodness flow. There is not a lot of good just jumping out of them because they are putting the brakes on that inspiration. Jupiter is the way of being good that just works, its like innate goodness, yes, some people have cut that off because it was starved, what was good in them was starved. The good thing that just makes us able to move forward in this world. If that is hurt, The first thing I do is see if they have  good mercury. A good mercury can learn what works, and do it. So jupiter is the good a person knows how to express, mercury is the good things they are capable of learning. 

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Leah T
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@ernst Of course!  Just as you laid out in Lajjitaadi - the Heart of Parashara course ???? Thanks for your patience, perhaps it's time to commit it to memory and do some "work" not just listen like the pac-man eating dots until the fruit shows up.  "mercury is the good things they are capable of learning" - Time to Learn!


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@ernst  Thank you for your reply. I understand starvation better now.

A few more questions -

  • We are born with starved planets, and every year we deal with starved planets. There would be different big and small issues that we use the same method with. So even if we have resolved one habitual cycle, there would be another one to deal with. Is that correct?
  • In the example I gave above, the Sun starved and Venus agitated by Sun person is trying to create something out of their own inspiration. With Mercury starved by Moon, you say that “the person will not clearly examine the possibility in an honest light and instead hope or imagine the possibility to be what they want”. I was trying to see how this description fits this person, especially since they are already not expecting much out of their efforts. Are they expecting too less of themselves? Perhaps they are doing the same thing over and over again, and hence not progressing in their endeavour. Or should they be doing what is easy for them to do, instead of making things harder for themselves? Or it doesn’t matter what it is as long as they are at peace and happy with whatever it is that they are doing? What else should I be looking at?
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3498
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The only ones that really matter are the ones in our birth chart. those have to be healed. The ones that come each year, are just the small ups and downs in life. WHen a planet is starved in the same way in a year chart as in the birth chart, then its going to be felt strongly, but otherwise I don't consider it from a behavioral point of view, just from the point of view that things are always ups and downs sometimes they give more and sometimes less. 


Moon starving mercury can do things over and over and again and they can also live in their imaginatgions and hopes and not do much. 



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@ernst  Thank you. I think I can see now how what might be positive in one situation can turn into a habit, and a negative in another situation.

When you say “When a planet is starved in the same way in a year chart as in the birth chart”, do you mean exactly the same way by the same planet, or starvation by any other planet?

So for people who have a mix of the Avasthas for all their planets have a lot to deal with each year, making it much more complicated to see things clearly? Is that correct?

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