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Planets in the Rasi and Navamsa

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Hi Ernst,

If you have a planet exalted in the Rasi but debilitated in the Navamsa vs a planet debilitated in the Rasi but exalted in the Navamsa, which is the better scenario and why? Thx!



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I´ll add a question to yours, I hope it´s OK: @ernst; This reminds me about the difference between our male and female side; femininity is more about who we are, masculinity more about our actions. So, in that sense the Rasi chart seems to mirror the feminine and the D9 the masculine. Is that a stupid idea?


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Ernst Wilhelm
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I would not look at it like that, rasi is chart one, its the whole, the complete picture. But, we are not whole beings, we are diverse beings, thus we have varga charts to show the diversity. So each varga reveals the diversity of that greater whole of the rasi. The navamsa shows the diversity of what we follow in life. We follow our beliefs, a culture, a lifestyle, what are we following? That is the navamsa. This idea of following is not always respected sufficiently. We are told, be a leader, not a follower, but to lead, one has to follow. WHat is the leader following? Something bigger than themselves. So we all need to follow something or else we are lost. The navamsa to signify marriage works because its part of following a culture, cultures advocate marriage and marriage is a huge part of an ideal that people follow. In a culture that did not have the concept of marriage, then navamsa would have nothing to do with marraige in that culture. 

The main planet in navamsa is Venus, venus is a female planet, its not a male active planet, its a receptive planet, to follow is to be receptive to guidance. Venus is also the student. To follow is to be a student. Venus is also a teacher, to teach is the final study where one learns to follow their own wisdom. To follow what is supportive, Venus, gives comfort, which is also venus. So a good navamsa makes a person clear on what they are following, that path they follow, etc. and that gives a lot of comfort in life.  

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@ernst Wow, that´s deep. And being a follower is of course very receptive, so it´s really a measure of our female capacity.

Thank you Ernst, I´m gonna look at my Navamsa differently from now!


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@ernst a good leader is some who listens and follows what they have learned from others, being receptive. If the leader is so arrogant that he/she thinks they know everything then one day they will fail miserably...



Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3504
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I would take the exalted in rasi as then the planet has ucca bala high. 

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Amit Bhat
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@ernst @tuyetv

I take below meaning based on some ideas Ernst explained in a video...

Good dignity in rasi and bad in navamsa

I believe this is the case with people who have most of things in life but are dissatisfied with it anyways as they don't find them of any purpose...

Bad dignity in Rasi and Good in Navamsa 

When I sometimes look at labour class in India who don't have much in life but work so much with interest and passion as they seem to find lot of meaning and purpose behind that...

Both are not ideal and suck in certain ways...

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@amit  your thoughtful comments made me think of something my dad taught me when i was a young adult. When i used to complain to him that i wished i had this or that, my dad would tell me to be grateful for all the things God gives me. To find joy and purpose in life with what i have as there are many people out there who don't have one tenth of what i have... He is right, when i look at life that way, i realize how lucky i am to have the life that i have....


