6th is the animal instincts when it comes to sex. Its not an addiction exactly, addiction is where we run away from ourselves. its simply indicates a strong sexual nature.
The saturn moon and sun yes, usually causes the person to really make a muck of their lives and do the wrong thing in many important situations. It doe snto always addict to wine. I see sexual addicion with it a lot as well. In fact, any yoga that gives addiction to wine can make a sexual addict as well in my experience.
the scorpio liquor yoga works very well.
From Jaimini sutras course.
Ra and Sa in svamsa give an addictive streak. Su and Ra in svamsa also, but more inclined toward cigarettes and weed.
my cousin has Saturn Rahu in the12th house which is the house of temple among other things. This woman is a religious fanatic. That is all she talks about and that is all she wanted to do.... Addiction is not just toward substance but it could be toward a person, or anything....
Yes, its important to remember that addictions are anything that takes us away from dealing with our real problems and for some the addiction may be self absorbtion in being healed or religion. and by self absorbtion, I do not mean being absorbed in the divine self, but in the self that is not working, the self that just rounds around in circles and gets nowhere.