Someone with lots of Pisces, 12th house, and moksha self factors could possibly have a major sleep addiction or be addicted to spending a lot of time in bed.
Sleep can be an avoidance reflex.
In my cousin's case, she is not a happy person and she found "religion" which is not a bad thing in the sense that it gives her a purpose in life. But she becomes so self-absorbed that she would do things for the temples like a robot without really thinking about if they make sense. The 12th house is also the house of expenses. She spent money on the monks and found out later on the money was not used properly among other things... Her Saturn is also debilitated with Rahu.
Can addictions also just be a debilitated Saturn thing? My brother has Saturn-Ketu-Mars in Aries in the 12th sign from Lagna, with no cusp. He has to eat takeout everyday (sometimes twice a day), even when home cooked meals are available. He often orders late at night.
no, that alone won't do it. but this person does not just have saturn in aries, they have saturn and mars and ketu, so that means mars and saturn are ashamed.
I wonder if having many retrograde planets can be a contributing factor with addictions, due to the difficulty in moving forward.
This would make the planets' energies bear down more intensely without a clear path to move forward through the intensity. Thus we may be obsessively or compulsively driven inwards, backwards or in circles with preoccupations that engage the planets energies in a repetitive or destructive way, like through gambling, video games, fantasy, history docs, astrology, or to escape the intensity through alcohol, weed, etc. because it is too difficult to make decisions or go out into the world in a sober, wakeful state where we overthink, ruminate, and feel the weight of all the responsibilities, choices, and consequences that pin us down at from every direction at the same time?