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Sun influences and building the kingdom

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Hi Ernst,

In the courses we have learnt that the Sun asks for sacrifices in whatever it influences for the noble interest of building the kingdom.

Let us consider a Libra asc native with Sun exalted in the 7th cusp (Aries). The kingdom is Leo (11th cusp).

To interpret this, does it mean the native who they really are, is somebody who should get social recognition/awards (11th cusp) and for that they would be sacrificing some aspect of their relationships/partnerships (7th cusp)?

Also, does the exalted Sun asks for less sacrifice compared to Sun in other dignities?



9 Replies
Amit Bhat
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I don't think exalted sun asks for any sacrifice for that house, in fact it manifests that house. So for Libra, exalted sun is attempting for great success, recognition and rewards by working through partners 7th house with great passion, inspiration and excellence 

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Thanks for the clarification, it makes sense.

If the Sun was not exalted, and starved/agitated, would it ask for sacrifices?

How do we understand the principle  "Sun asks for sacrifices in whatever it influences for the noble interest of building the kingdom"?

Posted by: @amit

in fact it manifests that house

Also, how does the Sun manifest since it is a separator?



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Posts: 113


Thank you for the clarification. I have a few questions:

  1. How does the Sun manifest, with it being a separator?
  2. It the Sun were not exalted, would it ask for sacrifices?

How to understand the principle: Sun asks for sacrifices in whatever it influences for the noble interest of building the kingdom



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Posts: 113


Thank you for the clarification. I have a few questions:

  1. How does the Sun manifest, with it being a separator?
  2. It the Sun were not exalted, would it ask for sacrifices?

How to understand the principle: Sun asks for sacrifices in whatever it influences for the noble interest of building the kingdom



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Posts: 113


Thank you for the clarification. I have a few questions:

  1. How does the Sun manifest, with it being a separator?
  2. It the Sun were not exalted, would it ask for sacrifices?

How to understand the principle: Sun asks for sacrifices in whatever it influences for the noble interest of building the kingdom



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Posts: 113


Thank you for the clarification. I have a few questions:

  1. How does the Sun manifest, with it being a separator?
  2. It the Sun were not exalted, would it ask for sacrifices?

How to understand the principle: Sun asks for sacrifices in whatever it influences for the noble interest of building the kingdom



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The Sun is about self, about following your path, your passion, consistency in building your kingdom... The Sun is a minor separator. Sometime when you follow your path, you might have to give up something in your life such as family, friends etc...You have to make sacrifices so you can follow your path, do what you are meant to do in life.



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@ernst @amit

Hi Ernst,

Since there were duplicate posts of mine in this thread (due to slow system response and multiple submits from me), I tried to clean up and delete the duplicate posts. When I hit delete button on the last duplicate, it also deleted @amit 's latest response to my question, and I didn't a chance to read it also! 

Is it possible to reinstate his post?



Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3429
Joined: 12 years ago

The sun is a seperator to other things, but he of course manifests himself. So a planet that is a seperator always manifests himself. So sun and saturn manifest themselves while they seperate from other things. Take saturn, we have to seperate from the things saturn influences to protect our health and wellbeing. But saturn will manifest his things, the saturn and sun things are simply more important than other things. 
