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Astrology, consciousness, fated concrete events

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Hi @ernst and friends,

It seems that our lives are designed in such a way that it will bring those karmic events to fruition that will lead to the evolution of our consciousness. 


If this is true, then what happens to those predicted karmic events, for which the lesson/growth in consciousness has been learnt in advance. Do all the events still come to pass though the native will have a better way to manage it given the lesson has already been learnt in advance? Is it also possible for some of those predicted events to not come to fruition because the lesson has been learnt/consciousness has grown in that area which the event was supposed to give the lesson?

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My 2cents based on Ernst's teachings: As we navigate life on earth, we are continuously experiencing the world through different events / experiences and perceive them through our ego. Though these events and experiences are not completely linear to our past Karma (Actions), based on the theory that every past and present Karma (Action) has a reaction, the effects of those past actions might still happen in the future based on unhealed residues that still exist deep within our consciousness. However, how smooth or bumpy the ride will be maybe determined on how far we as humans have evolved and healed our avasthas. I think that's why Ernst gives a lot of emphasis on healing ourselves to make life on earth more joyful regardless if those fated karmic events happen or not. 

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Can a lesson be learned without sth. happening? If you learned something, then something probably happened, caused it',even in your mind. . Does that make sense?

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@galits True for majority cases, but I guess though some wisdom one can get by contemplation or meditation, without anything happening on the outside

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Bg. 7.26

वेदाहं समतीतानि वर्तमानानि चार्जुन ।
भविष्याणि च भूतानि मां तु वेद न कश्चन ॥ २६ ॥
vedāhaṁ samatītāni
vartamānāni cārjuna
bhaviṣyāṇi ca bhūtāni
māṁ tu veda na kaścana

O Arjuna, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I know everything that has happened in the past, all that is happening in the present, and all things that are yet to come. I also know all living entities; but Me no one know

Krishna know us perfectly so he already knows what lessons we will learn what choices we will make before we are born. So no the future can't be changed but since we are not God and can never fully know the future we should endeavor with full effort like it all up to us. 

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@radharamana Thank you for sharing this

Amit Bhat
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I think only God can decide whether we have learnt the lesson or not!

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@amit True that!

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