Very interesting topic.
Moving out of taboos could just mean permissiveness toward adharmic practices, so not necessarily a good thing. Already, sterile relationships involving fruitless intimacy are widely accepted "between consenting adults"/"so long as they don't harm anyone", i.e. pleasure for its own sake is normalized. However, if a society is worth preserving, values such as these would be inimical to it.
Recent cultural shifts are sympathetic to the philosophies of anti-natalism and, more broadly (and controversially), Satanism.
Anti-natalists deduce that the creation of new life is immoral, given that life always entails suffering whereas a non-existent being cannot be deprived of anything (as it does not exist to experience deprivation or suffering!). Thus, having children is crassly dismissed as selfish, lustful "breeding". Clearly, pain and a lack of love are at the heart of this position, but it is not illogical as such. Also, the artificial sense of female inferiority that drives feminism is here supported.
Insofar as Satanists see love as weakness, humans as animals (to be dominated and exploited), and money & power as the ultimate goals, then much of our injured culture lends itself to such a religion (consciously or not). Atheism as a whole is the inversion of purpose (i.e. randomness, meaninglessness, and insignificance) and therefore the humiliation of Creation. Note that Science tells us we live on a small spec in a vast, cold and empty universe and are the descendants of apes and bacteria begat from pond scum... exactly contrary to [almost] every "primitive" mythology.
To tie things back:
The problem of sexuality may well be intractable, which is why every culture that survives is rooted in values involving its control. Take jealousy for example, a spectre of human relationships, especially on the part of males. Yet even today, when a woman is accosted in public, a common recourse at her disposal is, "I have a boyfriend", which implicitly acknowledges that exclusivity with a man entitles her to protection from him... and, failing that, a band of strange men with guns can be called to protect her. Monthly subscription revenues do not buy the same quality of security as a bona fide boyfriend, it seems.
And yet, love is not jealous. Love is otherworldly. Lust is worldly; its fruit begets the fall.
Okay, let me add: #NotAllMen. Happy?
There is also WGTOW, and women have their own pill equivalent stuff. I think they call it black pill, but I'm not sure... I don't live on the internet. For everything you said, there is the other side...and seeing as you are 50+ in age, surely you realize that?
It's not worth it for me to continue talking to you.. I mean you did call the women on this forum "Crazy" in your recent post. And yet you feel justified in self-righteously preaching to me to be careful what i say. You're a hoot, truly.. thank you for entertaining me!!! 🤣 The level of hypocrisy is truly stunning.
I also know Ernst emailed BOTH of us individually in the past to tone it down, and not talk to anyone personally. I have kept my end of the bargain to the best of my knowledge and ability, while you seem to have made a new username in the hopes that you won't be recognized as Matthias? I mean, I recognized you from your very first post.
People like you have made this forum an unpleasant place for me, personally. I saw myself as some sort of balancing force in spaces, needing to balancing extreme voices. But maybe it's not a good strategy... It's better for me to leave now rather than see this beautiful forum descend into a fanatical MRA place. I hope it doesn't.
As such my karma with astrology is almost near an end. I am better off practicing my understanding in the real world. I truly thank Ernst from the bottom of my heart for all his work! I learnt a lot, and the understanding sped up my growth.
you said "would go crazy". not much difference for me from "are crazy". The essence is the same. No doubling down on my side, its strange that you think grammar will make a difference.
Hypocrisy is because you think rules of decency don't apply to you, even though you are being specific in saying women in this forum would go crazy, not even women in the world in general. and yet you think my comment, which is not directed at ANYONE, and is prefaced by saying it is a tangent, is something that is rude and indecent.
Yes, you are hypocritical.
This just ain't worth it. Conversing with you has a literal horrible and toxic effect on my body, my blood pressure is at 180/110 due to this (normally it is 115/80!) You can speak in general with all the men how much ever you please, even on the forum. Start an anti-women post, group, movement, for all I care. But leave me alone- never respond to MY POSTS ever again. I forbid you from crossing MY boundary. Anything you say further will only backfire on you. Be careful. Goodbye.
As such I am researching some extension to block this forum.