Bhandana yoga - how...
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Bhandana yoga - how to advise people

21 Posts
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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3387
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No, its not that simple. Those yogas are in place for everyone born within a 2 hour time period of the same lagna. So while they are off to a good start, a lot has to be examined in vargas and birth time has to be perfect to see if the potential for no more rebirth is possible. And of course, sometimes these people are reborn as Gurus and avatars. 

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Hi Ernst and others,

I have Venus in 6th, and waning Moon in 12th, both by themselves, so technically according to Jaimini Sutras, as well as the Jataka Tattva, this is a bandhana yoga.

Would that 6th Venus being swashta in her own sign soften things a bit? (I already know that Ve in 6th has trouble making decisions that work out, though.)



I have not experienced literal chains, beatings, or time behind bars yet, as the prison or "stuckness" has been mental, social/characteralogical, and health-related so far, but it has definitely been long-term. And I need to be prepared.

For some reason, I have only just now noticed the 6th/12th thing, and in the past I have only attributed the prison-like experience to the presence of Ke/Ra in the 4th/10th from my AK Moon. A mental and soul-level bandana that causes unwanted isolation.

Additionally, would a Sa-Ma conjunction on an angle that also contains the lagna lord, and rashi-aspecting the other angles, cause literal imprisonment?

Thanks again,






Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3387
Joined: 12 years ago

Bhandana yoga of Jaimini is caused when equal number of planets are in the 2nd and 12th, not the 6th and 12th?

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@ernst  Jaimini Sutras Raw, page 137, verse 1.3.42b. says:

"From the west/from the 1st, equal planets in the 12th and 2nd - bondage. The 2 corners, the 12th and 6th, the 11th and 3rd, and the 4th and 10th as well."

This was in section 1.3.42-43 titled "Bondage". So I guess that refers to some type of bondage,  but would it still be a bandhana yoga?



Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3387
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SOrry, that is a typo, its the 8th and 6th. You dont ahve the printed book, but the manual, maybe I failed to fix that in the  manual. I will look into that. 

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@ernst I actually was reading from the printed book, but it is the 1st edition 2014, perhaps there is a newer one?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3387
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Ok, this is what is happening. sometimes you will notice a sutra that is a b sutra, so the sutra number followed by a b. That means some source has a slightly different sutra, in this case, there is some corruption and we need to figure out which one is correct. I do not get into the differences in the book, but i do in the courses. Again, the book is to provide a literal and exact correction with which a person can actaully study jaimini as compared to all the non literal so called translations where instead of saying what jaimini wrote, they say what they think jaimini wrote, which is completely different in most cases. So I leave it to the reader to decide and test and see what sutra works ,but in the course, I do talk about the differences in the sutras. In respect to this sutra, I think the b sutra is incorrect, its the one that says 12th and 6th. 

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Posts: 577

@ernst Thanks for taking the time to clarify.

There do seem to be other non-Jaimini sources, like the Jataka Tatva, etc. who also do classify = # of planets in 6th/12th as a prison yoga. And the since the 6th represents problems and frictions and the 12th is so commonly taken to rule imprisonment, it kind of has some logic. Like the conflicts and bad habits of the 6th would be linked to imprisonment(12th)?

But then Jaimini links prisons to Scorpio, the natural 8th, so it would make since for him to specify the 6th and 8th instead of 12th, perhaps. (Unfortunately Sco is my 12th, where the AK moon opposes Ve in 6th, lol)

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