When reading children in the example chart, the Lagna is in Virgo and the 3rd bhava is in Sagittarius?
So, in other words, Scorpio and Taurus would be completely unconscious if they do not hold a graha because there are no cusps there.
The bhavas do not indicate consciousness but are rather omens for or triggers of concrete manifestations, to my understanding. The Grahas carry consciousness.
Again: That´s my understanding.
This was Ernst's answer from a couple of years ago as he explained House vs House cusp:
"A planet is in a sign from the Ascendant and this helps see if that planet will manifest well or with more stress. If in 6/8/12 it will manifest with a lot more stress. If in an angle or trine it will manifest most easily. In 2/3/11 it gives a bit of stress to manifest. That is all we do with house position on a basic level. And that is all based on signs from the Ascendant. We also do many yogas in this same way
Then there is a matter of a planet impacting a house cusp. The planets are the producers, the house cusp is the concrete thing produced. For this the cusp has no impact on the planet. The planet impacts the cusp. If its in the same sign as the cusp or aspect the cusp, the planet is impacting it. That's all there is to it"
So in the attached example, the actual child has Sun and Virgo qualities, but you read the child from Libra. And so the child is focused on career, but the child’s career itself has Venus and Leo qualities.
Libra and aspects to it tell you how easily the child will be manifested.
Did I understand that correctly?
I find this to be helpful when i first studied astrology...