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House Karakas

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I see that Jaimini has Atmakaraka, Amk and so on. Does it have karakas for houses or rather bhavas? i mean, 3rd house siblings, 7th house spouse , 6th house problems and so on?

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If I remember correctly, Ernst is referring to Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra for the descriptions of bhavas even in his Jaimini class (as per attached), Jaimini being more focused on Rasi description. 

Amit Bhat
Posts: 885
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Joined: 5 years ago

Jaimini gives charakarakas based on our chart and also naisarga (natural) karakas which Ernst explained in Jaimini audio course 1 

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Amit Bhat
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Posts: 885

Some karakas I got in my head - 

Sun for 1st house - path, body, svadharma, career

Moon for 2nd wealth for taking care of family responsibilities, auspiciousness 

Mars for 3rd - siblings, courage, 4th- real estate, 6th accidents 

Venus for 4th- vehicles and 7th-women, dance, romance, marriage, vacation etc...

Mercury  - 2nd - friends, 3rd - communication, 4th - wealth and acting, strategy,  discriminating power etc..

Jupiter for 5th -children, 9th - wealth, religion, Guru, for male partner for women 7th, philosophy, wisdom - 9th, 8th - devotion 

Saturn for misery, perseverance, psychologal issues, fear, health - 6th, suffering 

Rahu/Ketu - ancestors,  medicine  
