Judging Moon in Hor...
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Judging Moon in Hora Chart

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Hi Ernst,

I'm currently studying the Concrete Chart and Varga Analysis course and the Hora Chart.

My question is about how to judge the effects of an exalted, waning Moon in the Hora chart. In the manual, you state the following about exalted planets:

"Exalted Grahas significantly strengthen a Rashi and help hold it together and Exalted Grahas always indicate the best thing about anything."

And then you also state the following about the Waning Moon:

"Waning Moon makes whatever is obtained get less and less, or if not actually becoming less, feeling somehow like less and less."

How should one go about interpreting the results of this Moon in the Hora chart? It's with the 3rd Bhava cusp, for context. Does the fact that the wealth obtained is gradually decreasing (due to being waning) cancel out the fact that the Exalted Moon should produce the most wealth available to flow through a person?

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The waning Moon means that, in the process of increasing and/or change, something has to be let go of. Doesn’t mean a decrease though. I have a waning Moon in my first house and, as part of my path living in the US and building a family and wealth here for example, I had to let go of Europe, my close family, friends there, etc… They have not disappeared but I don’t get to see them that often, but my life has always been on the increase at the same time though. I also love to declutter. I live with 2 waxing Moons and they tend to be more about recycling the old. Am like “get rid of it” 🙂 Hope that helps. 

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@mona thanks for sharing 🙂 I'm wondering if you have any of the Yogas of the Moon bearing on wealth? Perhaps that could be the reasoning behind the gradual increase you've experienced throughout life.

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@kam I have a Gaja Kesari Yoga (Mo/Ju). But I have not studied the yogas in depth (still on my to do list!), but mostly I see things in general as “we live most comfortable and wealthy (more opportunities available) lives than our parents and grandparents”. And, I agree, this has more to do with yogas and other factors than wether the moon is waning and waxing. I see the waning Moon more as an energy of letting go than an energy of accumulating and “recycling”. I also feel comfortable with that energy of letting go, getting rid of, decluttering, I find it purifying in many ways. Actually more and more as I grow older too.

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@mona Very cool! I myself haven't studied them in depth yet either but I know I have a Chandra Yoga, and possibly a Dhana Yoga except my Moon is in a great enemy's Navamsa, so I'm not sure if that counts. That's a nice perspective about wealth and our parents, very positive 🙂 As a Taurus Moon, I'll admit letting go of physical things can be a bit of a challenge for me ???? There's just so many objects that have 'sentimental value' to me, and on top of that I'm kind of frugal haha. But internal shifts and emotional purging are quite pronounced since I have my 8th lord and AK in my 1st house.


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I have a waning moon and for some reason seem to be freed up to get more things done when the moon is waning, rather than waxing.

I'm still an extremely low-functioning person though.

I wonder if having an exalted waning moon, in the d1 one or in any significant varga makes the waning part even more painful than when in bad dignity because you keep losing the potential and promise that you and others felt was there and that had shown brightly before.

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@mitryendra80 this is my Moon and I definitely feel this way. Especially through family because it's in my 9th house in the D1. I resonate with the low-functioning part too. It's so interesting to read how varying the effects of a waning moon can be on different people. Right now I'm in Moon/Saturn Dasha and this latest eclipse really did a number on me.

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@kam Is it the getting more things done on the waning moon that resonates with you or is it having an exalted but waning moon and not getting the full benefits of exaltation?

Yes this latest eclipse has been the most intense in a long time, at least the lunar part has been!

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@mitryendra80 the exalted but waning moon part.

I don't really follow the progressions of the Moon currently. But I used to notice a few years ago that I felt more positive and energized during full moons, yet quite tired and drained during new moons. I suppose that's a common thing, however. 
