Hi Ernst, others,
I have a question if there is a way to interact with a Me starved by Sa conjunction person ? Is there something a person with a delighted avastha planet can do in interactions to help another person with the same starved planet ? Esp, for Me since we use it all the time.
Saturn starved mercury will be lacking in important information, so if you give them good information, they should be happy!
My kid has a Me/Sa conjunction and he likes straight to the point communication. I must say it once, if I dare repeating, fiery eyes. And vice versa, he hates repeating himself. "Never mind" and some frustration when I don't understand right away ????
Update : I was interacting with a Me stared by Sa person ; I have Me delighted by Ve, Ju, Su. It was extremely hard for me to interact cohesively with the person even with the knowledge of Sa starving Me.
So, I guess Sa conjunct really will be healed only when the karmic repurcussions are complete either by karma or devotion or prayer.
*deleted post due to bad chart calculations