Mercury will be delighting Saturn in this case, so perhaps interacting through this aspect of delight.
Mercury delighting Saturn is about separating the real from the unreal and being detached from what may get separated and this is the process of investigating thoroughly and letting go of what doesn't work while finding what is truly productive. If you listen to many comedians, they do a lot of this separating real from unreal, showing us our consensus reality is often inaccurate, but instead of condemning they give the situation levity while actually dealing with the tough everyday aspects of life.
I apologize for deleting my response from earlier. Maybe that accurately reflects my Saturn Mercury conjunction 😂 I have it in Capricorn and I’m a Gemini rising. Mercury is really my only beat up planet in LA. My Mercury maturation period did help and now I’m 35 with Saturn maturing.
When I was a child I would hang up the phone any time my mom gave it to me to talk with someone. My mother was advised to hold me back in elementary school for not talking even though I was actually competent. My childhood completely fell apart during the age of Mercury. I moved at least once a year and because of that never made friends. I bounced around in other peoples homes and didn’t have opportunities to do much at all. I was rarely if ever understood accurately. I really just kept to myself and gave up on people. I wrote some poetry but teachers would say it was plagiarized (too well written for a child) and try to fail me despite making perfect scores on standardized tests. So I gave up writing. I’m very very aware of all the potential mistakes when I communicate. It’s torture. I also have ketu in the 3rd. I excel when I first pick up a skill enough that people don’t believe me when I say I’m new at it. At the same time, I’m so aware of the effort to maintain improvement that I tend to give up unless it is my current research obsession. I definitely tend to only communicate with people who help me grow in my current area but I used to try to talk to everyone about only what I’m interested in. Ugh, embarrassing to think about now.
easiest to talk to me by just accepting that I’m trying my best and to not assume I am trying to be offensive when I say things that make you go 🤨 I probably understand you but I’m having trouble communicating.
That said I have really started to grow into this conjunction to make it work for me. I can say that most of the problems with communication have eased up. I also have Venus and rahu in Aquarius so as I have gotten older I’ve learned how to have better relations.