Dear @ernst
I looked at a chart born in 1962 with 6 Planets + Ke in Aquarius in the sixth bhava. A Virgo lagna with moon the only planet not joining the others standing in Capricorn. So Ve,Me,Jp are triple shamed while Su,Ma,Sa are double shamed. And these are only the shamed Avashtas, 15 of them!! How do we interpret these charts?
the damage is too much and seams irreversible....
I remember Ernst said when u have 4 or more planets in a house not counting rahu ketu n that house is destroyed n those planets will not do well either unless they are in the 1st 9th and 10th
Actress Jennifer Jason Leigh has a pretty crazy chart from that year. Born on Feb 5 1962, all 7 planets and Ketu in Aquarius, 9th house.
Actually as @ernst teaches four or more planet in a house will destroy the house and loose all their functionality except when in the 1st,9th and 10th Bhava. But how to interpret the avashtas that's my question. Specially for the severe case I mentioned above.
Dear @leela
I don't consider "seems irreversible"or "not much of a chance" absolute terms. It's just that the chance of getting out of 15 shamed avashtas is low.
It's not about bad reasons or practising meditation or being a workaholic in the material world, it's about if what one is doing will give him a chance to correct or come out of these avashtas.
@ernst mentions in the first lajjitaadi avashta course in the videos on Sa Avashtas, where Sa is starved by Mars: "Yogananda has said most of what people think is the spiritual path is really the psychological path, once the psychological path is completed, the spiritual battle is very quickly Won".
If what one dose, creates a false identification with something he is not, and this false identification gets stronger by time, it will be very hard to get out of it.
I know the owner of the chart very well, in one of his journeys back to the material world we meditated together and I could feel him. It didn't seem right or healthy.
My feelings may all be wrong; that's why I'm also looking into his chart; and the question remains: can normal techniques simply apply to these kind of charts?
If yes, then about 4 or more planets together @ernst says if Sun is there and some of the planets are ashta then the sanyasi path will not be true.
Also his Rahu lord with Ketu indicates that the evolutionary path for this person relies more on concentrating on his Ketu in this life time.
Thank you for you attention and insights.