Mars/Venus/Sun Conj...
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Mars/Venus/Sun Conjunction - Violence?

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(@Anonymous 21669)
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I've pondered this chart for awhile, and would like some opinions. My understanding is that a Mars/Venus conjunction is an indicator of "violence". I have a family member with an EXACT (D1) Sun/Venus/Mars conjunction in Aries at 16 degrees. Both Venus and Mars are combust AND in planetary war (Venus won). This same conjunction is present in 7 or 8 vargas.

I know that the individual was not subjected to any extreme abuse, unless it was well hidden or self-inflicted. The AK is Mercury in Pisces in 8th. (I do believe the individual was a "cutter" for a brief period)

Q: Would the good dignity of Sun and Mars, negate potential for "violence"?

Because Mars has little to NO shadbala, did that cool the violent tendency, OR is it all "waiting" or hidden?

It's an interesting chart, with planets in "good dignity" and nothing to show for it.

Birth data for reference: 6 April 1981, 13:57 in Denver, Colorado USA

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I have Sun/Mars/Venus conjunction in my second house in Libra and I can't say I've been confronted to serious violence and I've never been abused. With second house matters (early childhood environment), my parents argued and had the occasional fight but I would not qualify it as violence (though this can be relative I guess). Mars is my AK and both Mars and Venus are combust. Despite low Chesta Bala, Mars ranks first and high in total Shadbala. Sun is debilitated and Mars in enemy sign. Venus in own. Mars has good lajjitaadi avasthas ("only" gets agitated by Sun, delighted by Sun, Moon and Jupiter). Maybe that would explain why violence has not been part of my life despite the conjunction?

So I would not conclude that this conjunction necessarily indicates violence and that a low shadbala tames it should there be any. I would actually conclude the opposite since it can show a good functioning planet, relying on its strengths rather than flaws.. Maybe also focus on the Lajjitaadi avasthas to see how things play out + Saturn that can indicate some trauma.

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(@Anonymous 21669)
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@mona Thanks for the reply, it is good to know that violence has NOT been present. Since I know I heard it from at least 2 separate astrologers, I wonder if it more specific to Vargas. Yes the Lajjitaadi avastas are were to look, as confirmed by Ernst in his reply. I truly thought I was missing something and there maybe there was a dark secret no one was talking about ????

Ernst Wilhelm
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Mars and venus do not indicate violence. Severe violence in both the violator's and the victims charts are most commonly indicated by lajjita avastha as violence is a shameful act and it also shames the one violated. Mars in Lajjita is the most common planet for this.


in teh chart in question, with venus overcoming mars in war, there is more emphasis on venus than mars, so that would detract from the individual fighting, they would try to use venus, diplomacy, perhaps even at times when they should bite a bit.  

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(@Anonymous 21669)
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Thank you for your reply, and the correction of information. You are on target with the immediate assessment that they SHOULD bite a bit.  

Posted by: @ernst

they should bite a bit


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While this combination isn't the focus of the thread, I've been thinking about Mars-Saturn conjunctions and violence. My mother experienced violence as a child and she was herself violent, with a Mars-Saturn conjunction in Libra. I have Mars and Saturn in Scorpio;I haven't been violent (although I've had seriously recurring murderous thoughts), but I've experienced some as a kid, as well. I seem to get into a lot of confrontations and I'm not comfortable in handling them. I know Ernst has a Mars-Saturn conjunction in Taurus and talked about getting into something like 13 street fights as a kid. I just looked up two of the girls who were raped and murdered by Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka and both of them had Mars-Saturn conjunctions; Kristen French had Mars and Saturn in Cancer and Leslie Mahaffy had Mars and Saturn in Leo.

On the subject of Shadbala: my mother was born in the early morning, so her birthtime is off by hours, most likely, but Mars ranges from 143% to 178% of required. Saturn ranges from 178% to 204% of required. For her, Saturn starves mars from anywhere to a total of -91 and -151, with the Lajitaadi Avashtas applied. Mars starves Saturn down to anywhere between 91 or 151 points left. 

My Mars has 110% of required Shadbala and Saturn has 121%. Saturn starves Mars down to -31.7 points, total, left. Mars starves Saturn to -31.7 points left as well. 

Ernst has Mars with 172% Shadbala and Saturn with 115% Shadbala. Saturn starves his Mars down to 171.5 points, so still less than minimum required, and Mars starves his Saturn to -171.5. 

Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy have no posted birthtimes, so I won't even speculate in a 24 hour range. 

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Yep. Mars-Saturn here. Feel constant rage, and much scrutiny from within and without. At odds with stuff.

And those of us with Mars close to Rahu have to put on combat boots to enter the Rahu jungle, and not tempted to hide in the Ketu castle collecting and hoarding metaphorical ammunition.

Many with Sa-Ma direct a lot of it inward though.


(@Anonymous 21669)
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@everylightifound 100%! I don't have personal experience with anyone that has Mars/Saturn conjunct, but the starvation I have observed upfront and personal through a person well known to me. Saturn in the 1st, with a Mars/Rahu conjunction in 9th. The starvation is 47 virupas, so a pretty strong starvation. Mars shadbala required percent of 205%!!!!

In Rahu mahadasa, they have pretty much violated the boundaries of most family and friends and likely going to lose their relationship. Not a happy situation for them or others in the vicinity.

Since I don't watch/own TV I'm not aware of the rape/murder you mentioned above, and haven't looked into such events deeply.  But after making this post a few weeks back, I became aware of a situation with a co-worker with a history of domestic violence. I was able to get birth data on him and his father, and both he and his father have a mars in 5th conjoined another graha so shaming the planets they are with, as well as an identity factor joined with Rahu.


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