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Practicing New Techniques (Avasthas) as a Beginner - Ethical Considerations- How Did You Do It?

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i am current listening to Ernst's video on "Lajjitaadi Avashthas - The heart of Parashara". I am going to quote what he said

"If  anyone one is not happy with something in their lives, they want more of something they want or less of something that sucks, the only way to have more of something they want or less of something that sucks, is to become a different person. No amount of astrologers you can go to can predict that you are going to get something you don’t have that you want, or you are going to get rid of something that sucks, until the person, til you chance and become a different person and then immediately you will get something better and you get rid of what sucks to some degree depending on how much of a different person you are. We get what we are – No more, No less!"

I could not agree more. People come to an astrologer because they have a problem. Let's say they have a relationship problem, and I see Venus Moon. It is tough to have a relationship when you are thinking of yourself all the time. I would politely tell my client that in order to have a relationship, they should try to be more "relationship oriented" because their chart indicates that they tend to be more self-centered oriented".  It takes practice to deliver a negative message to a client. This is not to say we are criticizing the client but simply deliver a message from what we see in their chart base on their question. I think with practice we can make the tone of the message softer, but my personal opinion and this is just my personal opinion, i would tell the client what i see. An astrologer is not miracle worker. We can only tell the client what we see in their charts, the good and the bad. If the client is an introvert and locks himself/herself in the basement and does not go out to meet people, then how is he/she going to have relationship? Astrologers we do not make things happen. Wouldn't that be nice! The client needs to to that. But we can tell them what we see as the strengths and weaknesses base on their charts and gently advising them

To digress from astrology, years ago i had a tax practice and i don't get into the tax code, the technical things with clients because clients were not interested in technical stuff. But i do explain in lament terms why they could not claim a deduction if they ask me. They paid for my professional services so i advised them the pluses and the minuses of their tax situations. Sometimes they did not like what they heard and would seek another CPA which is fine with me.

I don't see being an astrologer is that much of a difference in that respect. I study astrology as a hobby for the last 2 years, and it has been a great spiritual journey for me. I get charts from my family and from friends. I also go on line to get charts of famous people to analyze certain type or topics. Maybe when i retire in a couple of years, i can do astrology part-time.... I appreciate reading the dilemmas that you are facing out there with being an astrologer!




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Posted by: @venkat_r

So making these predictions are tricky thing and affects someone psychologically. Even I don't know exactly on what to give but sugar coating is much better I feel.

I wonder if we could push ourselves into figuring out what would work for the person. So, not just tell them what is, but also what could be and how to get there. 

So, in the case of the person who has trouble getting pregnant due to the afflictions in her chart, is it possible to help her get over those afflictions? Or in the case of the person who is looking for a relationship, is it possible to get her to 'attach' to something else while she is waiting for the person to come into her life? 

I think people are looking for hope, but sometimes the hope they are looking for lies somewhere else. Is it possible to guide them towards it? 

I am not planning on doing astrology readings for others, but I can understand the difficulties that both the astrologer and the person looking for a reading faces. 

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