Thirsty Cancels Sta...
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Thirsty Cancels Starved?

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So if the Sun is aspected by a Saturn opposition, but that Sun happens to be in a water sign, this cancels the would-be starvation and makes it thirsty instead? (It can't be both starved and thirsty?)



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If the water sign is an enemy sign, it will be starved I believe. 

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The lords of all the water signs are the Sun's friends though. Moon, Mars, Jupiter.

But a general rule is Saturn can indeed starve the Sun or another true enemy simply by opposition I think.

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@mitryendra80 Correct re:Sun, I was speaking generally.

to your point, some of my notes:

« Thirsty when in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and aspected by enemy... If the planet is joined with an enemy or joined with Saturn, it will also be starved but the aspected influences will be thirst. A planet can be starved and thirsty. »

I don’t believe this applies when the planet is in an enemy’s sign that’s also a watery sign. In which case, I think it’s just starved. But, wouldn’t mind a confirmation on that one. 

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@mona Sounds good. So if the Sun, to be specific, is in an air, fire, or earth sign, and is aspected by Saturn, it would be starved and agitated. But if he is in a water sign and asp. by Sa, then it is thirsty and agitated, but not starved (unless, of course, Sun's enemy Venus is there in the same sign with him)?

I think I chose a misleading topic title when I wrote "thirst cancels starved". I didn't exactly mean cancel, as in a Sun thirsted by Saturn would no longer be starved by a conjoined Venus, if that were the case. I just meant that a Sun being aspected by Saturn would normaly be starved, but if that Sun is in a water sign, then he is just thirsty instead of starved with regard to Saturn's effect.

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@mitryendra80 that’s how I understand it as well!

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@mona Good. Maybe Ernst can confirm things if he sees this.

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@mitryendra80 Actually, I don't know if you asked your question before or after listening to Ernst's latest video re: Saturn making the Sun thirsty where he explains the difference between starved and thirsted by Saturn. I just listened to it and yes, Sun is thirsted by Saturn when in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and the fact that he's delighted as well helps. It's also agitated because Saturn is both an enemy and a cruel planet that's aspecting the Sun. 

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@mona Yes I did watch the video. So he is thirsty and not starved?

I'm sorry if I have been/am being annoying or repetetive. I have a db. Mercury and a badly starved stellium in the sign of Virgo, so I am very obsessive and absent minded at the same time and have to be clear and precise as to what I am hearing lest I make a mistake.

I also don't know how to express my questions and thoughts clearly without using lots of words. In school I could never keep my essay word count down to the maximum and it always took me extra time to get it done and turn it in. Otherwise I wouldn't have written anything coherent!

I also recently found out that I have been likely dealing with chronic brain impairment/damage do to long-term use of medications that didn't work well anyway. I have a feeling their aren't many astrological remedies that can regrow brain cells or restore a shrunken brain, a depleted dopamine and serotonin system, and a frontal lobe and prefrontal cortex that has dimmed down to a dark twilight state.

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@mitryendra80 am sorry to hear about your issues. I don’t know much about the brain but I have been enjoying listening to Dr Berg’s educational videos recently. He may have some topics related to what is happening for you if you want to check him out. And no bother at all. Am still wrapping my own head around those concepts. So, yes Sun in Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces when aspected by Saturn is:

- Thirsty (it would be starved if he were in a non watery sign)

- It is also agitated because Saturn is an enemy to the Sun and Saturn is a cruel planet. 

- It is delighted because Sun is in the sign of a friend (Moon, Mars or Jupiter)

I have a debilitated Sun that’s Saturn starved. Those videos hit home run with me. Tears around the corner 🙂 

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I made a come-back with regards to the brain without any medications. I haven’t gotten around to looking into the details about how and why astrologically yet, so can’t help you there.

I have a razor sharp brain and it dulled down to where I could hardly use it anymore. It took 3 years to get it back up and running. Still not good enough at the memory retention as it used to be, but I am working on it.

From what I have read, new neural connections in the brain are possible. All my research came through Google. The rest was just my desire to be back to the level I used to be at.

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@mitryendra80 it takes time (many years) but neural connections never stop, you can help yourself by learning new things, with daily meditation noticeable improvements take around 7 years so don’t dispair and be persistent; also drinking green tea, taking different routes to get to the same place, learning to play an instrument, teaching yourself a new language, playing a new sport- your brain will create new neural paths through the develpment of these activities; astrology is certainly a great way, going from western to vedic is like teaching your other hand how to write and that develops new connections ????

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Thank you Mona, Manisha, Angela, and Leela for your input and support!


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I agree with Leela’s input about music as a healing modality. While doing experiments on myself, I found many tracks that were supposed to be a certain frequency, but were off by a few Hertz. Electronics also distort the frequencies. If it felt icky, I just turned it off.

I also agree with Angela about words and language and how easy it is to misunderstand something, especially if one is not ‘in tune with’ or ‘attuned to’ the person/people one is having conversations with. I too prefer to err on the side of being careful than being careless.

I have now begun to appreciate my DB planets more. There is always a reason for it in the scheme of things.

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