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War in Ukraine

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Ernst Wilhelm
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Great, yes, I told Corey about that last year, but didn't know he was teaching a course on mundane, but glad that he is. 

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He's not teaching a course on it yet. I wish ???? ! I just asked him about it a few days ago. He just mentioned that technique and adapting it for what I think are monthly predictions during an interview he did with Fiona Marques on the Vedic Astrology Podcast about a month ago.

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I've been working on this and following the news quite closely. While armed attacks took place before, what has been considered the official declaration of war and what has prompted the strongest actions in terms of diplomatic measures, sanctions, and exclusion from financial and cultural international networks (exclusion from SWIFT, downgrading of Russia's credit score, canceling of Gazprom, Germany increasing its NATO commitments to 2 %, Western countries committing more military funds and arms to help Ukraine, the EU considering a fast track to EU accession for Ukraine, etc.) is Putin's speech on February 24th, 2022.

This speech was preceded and succeeded by more aggressive military action (minutes before and after on the same day) than previously seen and was given from Moscow, Russia. The closest time I could find for the actual declaration in credible news sources is 5:45 AM Moscow time. Due to its significance at an international level, I have been using this time for an 8th bhava Prasna and would argue that at a mundane level this time is more significant than times of previous armed attacks in the conflict.

In most sources I've read, the declaration of war on February 24th also coincided with the actual invasion (as well as missile attacks and explosions across cities like Odessa, Dnipro, Mariupol and Kyiv). Whereas in January and prior to February 24th, Russia had started deploying troops close to the Ukranian border clearly planning the invasion, and several world leaders and international bodies such as the UN Security Council were attempting to deter Putin from an invasion, but no significant military action had been taken yet then.

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Yes, I think you are right

Ernst Wilhelm
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Its not that one works better than the other, but you want to use both lunar and solar years for world events. Even for predicting the market you want to look at each lunar month and each solar month. The solar time, solar month and solar year, show the foundation of what is happening, the lunar month the reaction and in the world of humans, reaction is often the more telling effect. 

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@ernst Hello Ernst, would you mind clearing some concepts. 

What do you mean by solar time? 

Solar months start at each Sankranti (ingress of the Sun into a sign), right?

Does the Solar Year star at the ingress of Sun in Aries? 


I thought the fact that this war started in the last paksha of the Vedic Lunar New Year, would point to a short duration. 


Thank you!


Ernst Wilhelm
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Posts: 3502

@silvia solar year starts on the vernal equinox and each solar day is one degree of the sun's  motion and each solar month is 30 degrees of the sun's motion. HOwever, in ancient days its very likely that the solar year started a month early when they used the aditya zodiac as the first aditya rules the 30 degrees before the vernal equinox, this coincides with how the chinese calculate the lunar new year a month before the Hindu's currently calculate the lunar new year. I have found that starting the lunar new year a month earlier seems to get better results, i found this otu the hard way after making some real estate price predictions with the hindu new year in 2020 and real estate went the opposite way entirely with the biggest real estate boom we have had in a lONG time. I looked at the chinese lunar new year, and it totally made sense. I think studied a lot of past events with chinise lunar new year and it worked better. I used to use solar year more as I always found it  giving better resutls than hindu new year, but now i am very attached to using chinese lunar new year which i think may have been how the hindus did it long ago as well due to the way that other ancient things are calculated that are not really being used by modern astrologers.


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@ernst thank you. 

how do they calculate the Chinese lunar new year, cause it's not the conjunction of Sun and Moon in Aquarius... that would be exactly a month earlier than the Vedic lunar new year?

Ernst Wilhelm
Joined: 12 years ago

Posts: 3502

@silvia its the new moon before the sun enters tropical pisces.

Ernst Wilhelm
Joined: 12 years ago

Posts: 3502

@silvia Its possible that starting in the last paksha could mean a short duraction, but duration is usually indicated by the strengths of the two sides in the war. so if one side is a lot stronger, the war ends quickly, if both sides are astrologically very strong the war can go on for a LONG time.

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Dear @ernst

Check this timeline from Aljazeera Network :

I'm working on finding out the exact time of Putins war deceleration. So far I have narrowed it to 5:40 - 5:45 A.M. Moscow time. Close to what  @francesca-2 mentioned.

Please also note that on February 21 Ukrainian military opened Fire on Dontesk Republic militia against the Minsk Agreement.  Dontesk militia has several hundred Russian participants which may even be unofficial Russian solders. These attacks where continuing and escalating when Russia attacked Ukraine. Even though Dontesk is part of Ukraine this is an unofficial war between Russia and Ukraine. Dose this have any Astrological Value in your research?

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Can anyone who knows about mundane astrology comment on this predictions: predictions I haven't studied any mundane astrology, but it seems this is a good opportunity to learn something. Besides it could show merits of different zodiacs. I wonder if the predictions are worse or better in the tropical? 

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