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Regarding raw diet

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(@Anonymous 29753)
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Hello @ernst and others as well. What is your opinion on garlic and onions? I know there are some myths relating them to Rahu and Ketu. I notice after eating both that my desires are strengthened. Then again... they are very tasty. Any thoughts on eating them? As they technically are vegetables and can also be consumed raw in foods like guacamole and hummus. 

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@benjamin-whipple I know garlic and onions have some good benefits, but I find they tend to make me drowsy, at least onions do anyway. Garlic and onions both have tryptophan which can make you sleepy. This might hinder meditation. They can also act as a libido-booster which may distract from brahmacharya.

They are good at protecting against respiratory viruses though.


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  If I may, I've been on a raw diet for many years now, and the best resource I've found for success is from Markus Rothkranz. 

Here is his website. The pdf version of the book is free. And here is his youtube channel, a wealth of knowledge. The man is 61 or 62, his appearence speaks for itself (no surgeries ????).

Kind regards

Ernst Wilhelm
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Fruits are the most helpful of raw foods supplemented by soft leafy vegetables. Hard vegetables in excess are not good as our intestines are not designed for them. They are to woody and the frugivore intestinal design of humans is much more delicate than the vegetable designed intestines of herbivores. 

Differnet people have different imbalances and so one has to try what works as the system comes back into balance. A good thing to try is raw all day and one cooked meal in the evening - but not too late, should be done by 7PM with heaviest foods, that works for most people. Or, a cooked meal in morning and raw the rest of the day. THats not as practical for most people but the heaviest meal is beast eaten in the morning by 9AM in order to maximize the energy and blood sugar stability during the day. 

avoid fruits and nuts at the same time, or fruits and anything with fat.

Then on occasion, do a short all raw diet of 1-7 days or just a water of juice fast for that time.

Ernst Wilhelm
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In eating raw the common mistakes are excess cashews, excess coconut and coconut oil. 

Onions and garlic have an affect on the brain. pilots are not allowed to eat garlic a certain amount of hours before flying. People with sleep paralysis are often healed from that upon not eating garlic. onions are same but much weaker. 

If you eat meat, eat onions and garlic though as parasites are worse and there is no way to eat meat and not get parasites. Yum, haha. 

There are a lot worse things to eat these days than onions and garlic and with all the damage we do to our intestines with sugar and processed foods, onions and garlic can help reduce infections that are the results of these foods. They are really a medicinal food of a class that regular consumption can lead to other problems, and of course, some people are more sensitive than others. 

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@ernst May I ask your opinion on mushrooms?

I know that they are sometimes used medicinally in Ayurveda but are not recommended for daily consumption for similar reasons to onions and garlic, especially for yogis, brahmacharis, etc.

But the Chinese have always embraced them liberally and they seem to help protect and strengthen the brain, endocrine system, immune system, when used or eaten regularly.

I wonder if they help us embrace Rahu as they may not originally of this Earth. Or if they just cause us to be more easily influenced by the elemental kingdom and the Jinn?



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Don't we need some hard veggies for the health and strength of our teeth, and for a more attractive cut of the lower half of the face where the jaws are?

As a kid I snacked on carrots and other hard veggies quite often and have never had a cavity or dental problem, even though I rarely flossed.

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