Every time I visit any of my family, I always gain 1 pound per day, until I leave. It takes some time to lose it.
I have noticed that I am gaining weight, 8 pounds so far, since I have started to study PAC.
I have mentioned this to the study group I am in, and 50% of the others have commented they too have gained weight.
Of those studying PAC, what kind of physical body changes have you noticed, if any?
If weight gain is not happening, what are you noticing about your day to day routines that are changing for the better or worse?
Hi Kristina and Everyone,
I gained weight while studying the Lajjitaadi Avasthas Heart of Parashara in the past. However, I became fit during my studies of Jaimini. It felt like falling in love, and I still have a deep affection for Jaimini. Every time I refer to my notes, it's like reuniting with the love of my life, especially when working on potential rectifications.
I believe I can relate to what you're saying about PAC. In my opinion, it helps us confront deeply buried foundational decisions that are no longer hidden in plain sight.
I have no physical change in terms of weight gain or loss, since the PAC.
From one perspective, gaining weight can be seen as a form of protection, a shield.
From another, it is a way our bodies try to adapt themselves to cope with the heavy knowledge being absorbed.
I'm excited to know about your experiences.
Thank you for bringing up such a correlating topic.
I am underweight, I guess I should take the course....
Hi Kristina, Zumrut, Scott and Everyone,
that´s a very interesting observation. I gained weight while studying PAC and it´s about 6 pounds now. I wouldn´t have thought of this possible connection ... but makes sense
Thank you, so I´ll stop it now and take a break ... 🙂
- A few things coudl be happening. If underweight, it could be due to healing. If not, it could be that the course is bringing up a lot of stuff that is hard to bear and so the unconsciousness is making an effort to repress scary or painful feelings. It can also be emotional disease moving into the physical body for release, which is a good thing as all emoitnal disease has to elave through the doorway of the physical body. Or, the course is so good that you are sitting around watching it too much, haha. I hope that's the reason.