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Improving Dig-bala of parents - Saturn and Sun

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Hi Ernst and others, 

Any idea what are the practical ways to improve dig-bala of Sun and Saturn ? 

I resonated a lot with the parent mind video, and observe it personally as well. With retrograde Sa in Capricorn in the chart, but in lagna, I find with the right kind of inner guidance about dont's and to a large extent do's,  but find it difficult to not get mixed up with the (free) guidance coming from others. 

I infer that's a good parental voice but with some challenges, Is there a way to heal that ?

Thank you!  

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Ernst Wilhelm
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Improving dig bala requires learning how to shift gears better. Low dig bala gets stuck because it can't shift gears when it needs to from activity to receptivity. 

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Do we have the freedom to actually improve the low dig bala or do we have the freedom to only become immune to the low dig bala by healing the bad lajjitadivasthas caused by the low dig bala?




Ernst Wilhelm
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I think dig bala can be improved. We have four balas. Dig, Uccha, Chestha, Subha Phala. Dig is air, Chestha is Fire, Subha is Earth and Uccha is water. Chestha is yang, Uccha is yin, Dig the the MOVEMENT between yin and yang, and the circumstances are Subha. What can be changed is always air, so yes, we can work on dig. TO do  so requires us to simply understand what its meant to do and what low dig means - it means not moving healthily between yin and yang. Will be discussed later in the course. 

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@ernst I guess that, for some of us, it could involve knowing how to use Yin planets (aka Moon) in a Yang way and Yang planets (aka Sun) in a Yin way. I'd like to see how that is done.

I wonder if focused alternate-nostril pranayama could stimulate this yin/yang-balancing type of intelligence in a general way, since it integrates the solar and lunar currents? Especially if complemented with other periods of effortless mindful breath-observation, or restful open-monitoring meditation.

I can't have satisfying alternate-nostril pranayama sessions because of my deviated septum and tight sinuses. I have high pitta even though it is my right nostril that is always more blocked and I have a very low-digbala Sun(Rahu's lord). So its probably a very numb and immature area in my chart despite trapped heat and explosive temper.

Ernst Wilhelm
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Yin planets need to always be used in a yin way and yang in a yang way. But none of them need to be used all the time. we have to use our yin planets when required and our yang when required. BUT, each planet has a yin and yang source of ENERGY. its all about the energy. WHen a planet acts in a way that creates energy, its the chesthabala. When a planet uses the energy it has stored up, its using the uccha bala. The most simple example of this to understand is the metabolism of energy which is due to jupiter. Jupiter rules sugar and fat. WHen we eat food, whether fat, sugar, protein or carbs, some gets turned into sugar and stored in our liver as glygocen and some gets stored on our body as fat. These are our two energy sources. Its jupiter's job to supply the energy, the fuel. So it has done it in two ways, as fat, and as glygocen in the liver. So when the body needs energy, it can choose to use fats or the glygocen reseves. THe glycogen is freely availble energy, the body just burns it, nothing needs to be done. The fat needs to be worked, converted into usable sugars. The glygocen reserves are the ucca bala, the capacity to metabolize the fat is the cheshta bala. Its the dig bala that determines which to choose and when to switch from one to another. When I was a bike racer, I have low uccha bala on my jupiter and extremely high chestha bala, and luckily, good dig bala. The low  ucca bala meant that my ability to have a huge glycogen reserve was not high. the high chestha bala meant i was very efficient at converting fat into sugars. As a result of the low uccha bala, on races that had a lot of intense spurts, which require glygocen, i would run out of energy before many others did. If it was just a few intense spurts, I could win the race, but if it was over and over and over and over again, I would not do well. But, I could sit and metablize fat all day long at a higher than average rate. So I had to strategize the race to be won with few spirts and more long term efforts. So I would try use my one big spurt to get far enough away at what others thought was a dumb time so they would give me enough rope to hang myself and be able to sustain a long enough effort to sometimes stay away to the finish line and not hang myself like they thought i would. Once when I won a race this way my coach said, that as a hell of an effort, but stupid! haha.  

Lets take moon, its all yin, the most yin, pure yin, it can only be receptive. Its uccha is its capacity to just feel good for no reason, its it's STORED up freely Available, I feel good with life. Its chetha is its ability to receive what feels good, what it needs, what is good and useful in life. The YANG, action of the moon is to receive, that's the Chestha of the moon. moon can receive most when its bright and least when its combust. So the action of yin moon is a very yin action. 

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Interesting. Thanks for the in-depth reply.

I'll have to think on that for a while to absorb and apply it to each planet.

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@ernst , following on after the dig bala video : 

"TO do  so requires us to simply understand what its meant to do and what low dig means - it means not moving healthily between yin and yang. Will be discussed later in the course. "

I still have the same q, how does one find out if they are on the right track in terms of yin and yang for a planet ? Is there something tangible we could observe on a day to day basis ?


As remedy, I made some affirmations for anyone who wants to use (if it helps), and pls feel free to correct if something is off..

Position/ Meaning and Affirmation : 

Sun : Directional strength in 10th.  Meaning/Affirmation : I will actively build the life I want based on my inspiration by taking action that energizes me. 

Mars : Directional strength in 10th. Meaning/Affirmation : I will act on what I need to do to be Okay! 

Mercury: Directional strength in 1st. Meaning/Affirmation : I will try things to see what fits me, not what fits someone else / something else. Once I see what fits me, I can go shop for it on the outside. 

Jupiter : Directional strength in 1st. Meaning/Affirmation : I will look for the good and joy in me. My expectation is the best thing will come from me, not from outside. 

Moon : Directional strength in 4th. Meaning/Affirmation : I will be open and receptive to what is incoming, and decide based on how I feel how much to let them in. (especially a person)

Venus : Directional strength in 4th. Meaning/Affirmation : I will keep an open heart and  will take long term decisions based on how I feel about it, and not just based on my capability to do it.

Saturn : Directional strength in 7th. More than 50% of the time, I will say NO to the big things others ask of me. I will not get caught up with everything others want from me. 

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@jam1 Sounds like very good affirmations to me. For Mercury perhaps I would add: "I will learn to identify my own needs and take responsibility for to have them fulilled." But perhaps it´s just another way of saying the same thing.

From what I can see noone has mentioned the available remedies in this course, like rewriting one´s chart, putting the afflicted planet in the house where we would want it to be, or using a gem for the same purpose, etc.


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@jam1 Having a Mercury in DigBala myself, and having suffered a lot because of it - and being in the process right now of understanding it - I have some extra thoughts on the affirmation for Mercury. To me the word *responsability* is key. Because what we do, when Mercury´s DigBala is low, is that we don´t take responsability for our own needs, leading to a huge waste of energy. It´s a lot like having been a small elephant that through domestication was taught to act in accordance to the expectation of others, later in life not realizing that we are allowed to act on our own needs and use all our strength in a way that serves us. One common bad strategy, that I have used a lot myself, is to become a joker who apologizes for - in my case - being intelligent and knowledgeable, "I´m gonna say this, but I don´t expect anyone to take it seriously, I´m only joking." That´s different than a wise man´s way of talking that leave it to people whether they want to listen to you or not. The inverted form of the same phenomenon is to crave respect, of course, which is equally bad.

The keys are, as said, realizing that it´s my responsability to communicate in a balanced way, and of course observation, through which we can always come to realization. In my case I have often chosen the role of a joker, and then, only when things have piled up I react on mistakes that the other part have commited, in stead of reacting and drawing a line in the right moment, when it happens.

It´s not our RIGHT to carve out a place in society in which we can feel comfort, as much as it´s our duty. Otherways bad energy piles up and expresses itself throug frustration and conflicts. Or we keep giving our energy away, feeling disrespected, feeling used. We end up depleted. Grumpy old men or bitter old women.

Low DigBala is among the worst blemishes in a chart, I believe.

But it´s wind, so it can all be changed, as Ernst says.


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@staffan , thanks for sharing your experience. 

well I believe affirmations are meant to be personalized since they are so personal. What one writes/affirms will likely not fit another perfectly, modifying as per need is valid.

Personally I'd leave need part and responsibility to fulfil part to Moon and Venus 🙂
