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To follow up on @ramin post, these are the copies of the book by Bernadette Brady, the Eagle and the Lark. 

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Second page for the one coming up at the end of the year

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@mona This looks good. But it is a Ketu eclipse so there will be more endings rather than beginnings am I right?

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@mitryendra80 Am afraid I don't enough about eclipses to answer this question. It does look like Ketu is in Cancer indeed. But you can check Ramin's post below for some interesting info.

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@mona Hi Mona

Yes, I have read the explanation for the eclipse by Bernadette Bradyin the Eagle and the Lark.

I have found some calculation mistakes about the Saros series in the book; for example the solar eclipse of December 14 2020 belongs to the 142th Saros Series Starting :

April 17 1624  17:16:18 TD

but in The Book on page 368 she gives :
March 19, 1624, 4:25:46 GMT
which is the end of the previous Saros Series.

So be careful about what you use from the book. You can find more accurate Saros calculations on Nasa's website:

I think my interpretation doesn't contradict the one from the book. It seams we need to have a more direct understanding of the dharma of the Universe by relying on our insights, visions and prophetic dreams rather than blindly relying on belief in religions and philosophies we have just accepted but never directly experienced through our psychic abilities.

I think the degrees of Ju, Su/Mo, and Ur, Ne. are indicating a much more important Saros series than what she explains.
of course I might be wrong.

P.S. I could not upload the Chart file. and the time I gave for the Saros first eclipse was wrong.
I corrected it in my previous reply.


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@ramin Thanks for your insights. I have the book but I haven't looked into it in depth, only superficially so I trust your analysis. She also mentions actually that there may be some calculation issues. 

I think my interpretation doesn't contradict the one from the book. It seams we need to have a more direct understanding of the dharma of the Universe by relying on our insights, visions and prophetic dreams rather than blindly relying on belief in religions and philosophies we have just accepted but never directly experienced through our psychic abilities.

Sounds really interesting. This reminds me of things I heard about moving from the Pisces into the Aquarius age. I can personally sense that energy. Thanks again!


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I wonder if the more Rahu get closer to the first Sign Aries the harder it gets for everyone on the planet. My reasoning is that the 3rd, 2nd, 1st sign seems  related to the most basic need we have, 3rd friends/peers, 2nd family, 1st you. 

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It seems the Cancer sign is the starting point ( or late Leo):

-Covid Crisis started when Rahu was in Cancer, 11 september 2001 rahu was in Cancer

-"AIDS was first clinically reported on June 5, 1981" Rahu was still in Leo a few month later in Cancer. 

- JFK assasination Rahu was in Cancer, could also be linked the events in the Vietnam war.

- 1944 End of WWII, first nuclear bombs used on Japan, rahu was in Cancer


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What about exact conjunction between this 10th june Eclipse and natal 12th house Ketu? A lot of karma would bring out, good and bad?

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