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(@Anonymous 21669)
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@ayan RE: 12th house Ketu in Gemini, I presume. I have opposite axis, Rahu in Gemini in 12th joined with Jupiter. At the moment of eclipse Rahu will be within 1 degree of my Rahu. A full nodal return. 

I am old enough to have experienced this eclipse energy twice before, theoretically we should be getting it "better" each time, especially after Rahu/Ketu maturation. Previous times my "karmic lesson" involved financial issues mixed with some relationship and children issues. Fortunately, I do not have any planets with Ketu, and no shame happening with Jupiter (only starvation from Mercury).

The lunar eclipse May 26th had Mercury EXACT on my Jupiter, Mercury is my AK so I am paying attention. Solar eclipse coming June 10th has Mercury right in the mix and the Lord of the house, so we shall see how that plays out over the coming months. Since it is an "unfortunate" habit for me to over think and over manage this house, I will have to surrender to whatever the universe is offering, 3rd time around. Financial/Children/Husband... something will shift and there may be loss, I will manage it as best I can.


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I just noticed that the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus are all debilitated in the D16 varga of this June 10th Solar Eclipse. Maybe we shouldn't travel!

The Sun is also debilitated in the D3 and D7 and Venus is also db in the D9 and D27. And Saturn in the D60.


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To clarify, I mean the current chart of this real-time eclipse, not the first/original one of the Saros Series.

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