Rahu's Lord and The...
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Rahu's Lord and The Rahu Jungle

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Hi Ernst and y'all,

I am reviewing the material related to working with Rahu and Ketu. Is it also important to work on improving and developing the sign and house that Rahu's lord is placed in as well as the sign Rahu is in?

In other words, is the placement of Rahu's lord also part of the Rahu jungle?



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The way I look at it is that the Lords of Rahu and Ketu will help in the exploration and healing of the nodes (or not). For example:

  1. The Lajjitaadi Avasthas of the lords will help determine how enjoyable the quest is 
  2. If the ruler of Rahu with Ketu and ruler of Ketu is with Rahu, it will help them move forward into that quest.
  3. If Ketu is joined its lord, the person is less likely to explore Rahu
  4. etc...

In other words, I see the Lords as facilitating or as making the journey more challenging.

What needs to be developed ultimately are the signs where Rahu and Ketu are, I don't think it's about developing the signs and/or houses the Lords are (there's plenty of work with Rahu/Ketu sign axis already ;p) and those will mostly influence the dignity and strength of the lords, but I may be wrong.  


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Did you ever end up getting clarity on the house vs cusp placement of Rahu and Ketu? I am still confused by this. I am using the closest cusp to Rahu as what "house" is the doorway to Rahu. Then the sign Rahu is in is what we ultimately need to master through the doorway of the house. But in Kala under Modern Delineations it gives the descriptions for the house Rahu and Ketu are in... as opposed to the nearest cusp. I am finding this confusing. 

Ps. I am asking you because I thought I remember you have a similar question on this forum recently, but now I can not find it, and I wonder if you received clarity? 🙂

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i also find if you have several planets joining Ketu then it will take much longer to explore Rahu. You have past business, unfinished business to take care of in this life time, and not until you are done taking care of them that you can go and explore Rahu. You will be stuck in that Ketu castle for awhile. When I look at Rahu or Ketu i always look at the condition of its lord...  



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Mona posted the below question on 12/21/20 and below is Ernst's answer. I hope this is what you are looking for:


Which house cusps? Just making sure I got this right...  

Hi Ernst and everyone,

I am working on the attached chart and want to make sure I got this right:

- The first and 7th cusps are closer* in degrees to Rahu and Ketu respectively, therefore the 1/7 axis becomes relevant (* closer than to the 4th and 10th cusps)

- Rahu is in the second house in Capricorn and Ketu is in the 8th house in Cancer, therefore the Capricorn/Cancer axis is relevant when analyzing Rahu and Ketu.

- Rahu is rasi aspecting the 5th, 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th cusps, Ketu is rasi aspecting the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 11th and 12th cusp, therefore, to a secondary degree, I should focus on Rahu "with" the 8th cusp and Ketu "with" the 2nd cusp (and ignore the fact that Rahu is in the 2nd house and Ketu is in the 8th house)

- The 8th cusp being in Leo and 2nd cusp being in Aquarius, are those signs relevant as well? 

Thank you!



Don't look at the rasi aspects of rahu and ketu to the cusps, just focus on the cusps they are with and the angle they are closest too. 




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@tuyetv @Rhiannon yes! (Thanks for digging that answer tuyere). So I look at the closest cusp when there are none in the Rasi of Rahu/Ketu and also at the closest angle 1/7, 4/10 (for everyone though I pay more attention to it when no cusp with Rahu/Ketu). When more than one cusp, it really depends on what the issue is. I haven’t seen that often yet but what I’ve found is that one cusp will “scream” louder than the other one, be more obvious re:behavior. Am still exploring! I can keep you posted as I learn more.

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