Hi Ernst,
These two yogas are a bit tricky to figure out as they have to do with the dispositors, and i think i figured them out, but i would like confirmation:
Kalpadruma Yoga - It said "The Lagna lord, its dispositor, the dispositor of that, and the Navamsa lord of the last must be in an angle, trine, own rasi or exaltation". I have Lagna lord Moon in Leo, its depositor Sun is in Capricorn, and Sun’s depositor Saturn is in Acquarius, own house. In the Navamsa, Saturn is in Aries and its depositor is Mars. Mars is in the 7th house, an angle in the Rasi, and Saturn is in its own sign in the Rasi. So I have the Kalpadruma Yoga
Parijatha Yoga – "The dispositor of the lord of the Lagna lord, and the navamsa lord of that dispositor must be in an angle, trine, own rasi or exaltation rasi." Same facts above. Lagna lord Moon is in Leo and its despositor Sun is in Capricorn the 7th house, an angle. In the Navamsa Sun is in Aries and the Navamsa lord of Sun is Mars and Mars is in the 7th house in the Rasi. Both Mars and Sun are in an angle in the Rasi. So I have this Parijatha yoga too.
Is my analysis correct. Thanks!
Isn´t that shown in the yoga section of Kala?
The wording is tricky with these...
Having your lagna lord in the 2nd house not in own or exaltation rasi or angle or trine won't create kalpadruma yoga.
I think you have parijatha yoga wrong. Look at Saturn in the Navamsa. That is the dispositor
of the lagna lords lord. Your lagna lord is Mo which is in Leo. Leo lord Su is in Capricorn. Saturn is in Aquarius. Look for Sa in Navamsa then see where Sa's Navamsa lord is in Rasi chart. So Sa in Aquarius, own home, but look for the other navamsa lord and see. You might have the yoga.
I think that is correct? Took me a little bit to figure out. .
Congratulations tuyetv, sounds like a nice thing to have in your chart.
Another thing about these two yogas that Ernst mentions is that if you see both, take the Kalpadruma yoga as superior. It takes more planets generally to make that. It is more powerful if you have various planets forming it.