Kalpadruma and Pari...
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Kalpadruma and Parijatha Yogas

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Hey guys, hellooo! 
Could you help me to see the difference between those two Yogas? Even reading the examples of @tuyetv i'm not getting it, i don't see any diference in these descriptions ????  

In my case i've got Lagna Lord Jupiter in the 7th,  its dispositor Mercury in Leo with the Sun, so in it's own sign. In D9 the Sun is in Jupiter, placed in the 7th in the Rasi but in Virgo. 

And as tuyetv mention (i don't see why jiji ????) in my case in the D9 i've got Mercury in Cancer.

Do you thing Lola has both those or one of those (in this case please explain me the difference) Yogas? 

Graaziee! ???? 

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Just translating kala into simple math ; but probably have to qualify the yoga with strenghts also

Kalpadruma - 

1. is lagna lord (planet-1) in an angle or trine or OH or EX

2. if step 1 is no, exit, if yes - is dispositor of lg ld : (planet-2) in angle or trine or OH or EX

3. if step 2 is no, exit, if yes - dispositor of (planet -2) : (planet-3) in an angle or trine or OH or EX

4. if step 3 is no, exit, yes - is navamsa lord of (planet -3): (planet-4) in an angle or trine or OH or EX

if all four steps satisfy - yoga present

Paritjata  -

1. Lg lord = planet 1

2. lord of planet 1 = planet 2

3. dispositor of planet 2 = planet 3

4. if planet 3 and navamsa lord of planet 3 are in angle or trine or OH or EX, yoga is present

So, it will be hit more when a lagna lord is in OH in angle, because few of the planet-1/2/3 will be same

In your case : 

For kalpadruma 

1. planet-1 is jupiter which is in angle

2. planet-2 is Me, not in own sign/Ex... if it is angle/trine its satisfied otherwise probably not

For Parijata

1. planet 1 = Ju

2. planet 2 = Me

3. planet 3 = Su

planet 3 is OH, so depends on navamsa lord of planet 3.

I haven't done qualitative analysis of these yogas. Probably needs strengths. 

One point though, one of the five planets except Su/Mo happens to be in OH/EX in angle it will be a mahapurusha yoga. It could easily cause one or both kalpadruma or parijata too.

In that case I have seen the mahapurusha yoga mostly is how the person behaves, and good use of that planet leads to the good things happening in their life.

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I will try base on my understanding. I take it you are a Pisces Lagna and Mercury and the Sun are in your 6th house Leo in the Rasi?Jupiter is in your 7th house in Virgo? Just confirming the facts...

If so i think you have the Parijatha Yoga but not the Kalpadruma as Kalpadruma requires the Lagna lord, its depositor and the depositor of that along with the Navamsa lord of the last so all 4 have to be in an angle, trine, own house or exatation. Kalpadruma yoga has more requirements to meet

The Parijatha only requires the dispositor of the lord of the Lagna lord, and the navamsa lord of that dispositor must be in an angle, trine, own rasi or exaltation rasi."Your Lagna lord Jupiter is in Virgo, its depositor Mercury in in in Leo, and the depositor of that is the Sun in its own house. So that requirement is met. In the Navamsa Sun is in either Pisces or Sagi so its lord is Jupiter and Jupiter is in the 7th house in the Rasi, an angle so that requirement is also met.

For Kalpadruma your depositor Mercury is in the 6th house and that is not an angle, trine, own house or exaltation so no Kalpadruma

Ernst and others feel free to jump in and let me know if i am off...


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@tuyetv yeah you're right in all the grahas positions, and if you're on, i get it! thank you tuyetv also for your timee!

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Posted by: @scoobydoo

planet 4 = Me... so depends on Me is in angle or trine

Hey aditya thank you very much! It smooth my mind see it in this way! Okey Kalpadruma is asking for all these dispositors to be in that situation! Thaaanks! Even so haha, let me ask you (pleasee) why for Parijata you're considering the last planet (P4) depens on the dispositor of the Lagna Lord (P2). When I read "The dispositor of the lord of the lagna lord, and the navamsa lord of that dispositor, must be in an angle, trine, own rasi or exaltation rasi." The navamsa lord of that dispositor (P4 of the ¿P3?) doesn't mean the dispositor (P3) of the lord of the lagna lord? I understant it like this ???? 


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@lola-sideral haha u may be right... Ernst can clarify.. not sure

I may have missed a comma or something.. I changed it a bit, not sure if it is the same as what you are saying. It is confusing lol

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@scoobydoo thankyou anyway again aditya

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wait  now that i've seen that the tuyet's answer (if he is also right) i think may i could help you the same way you've helped me;

Parijatha “celestial coral tree” Yoga: The dispositor of the lord of
the lagna lord, and the navamsa lord of that dispositor, must be in an
angle, trine, own rasi or exaltation rasi.

1. Lg Lord = Planet 1 (Jupiter)

2. Lord of Planet 1 = Planet 2 (Mercury)

3. Dispositor of Planet 2 = Planet 3 (Sun)

4. as you said; "If planet 3 and navamsa lord of planet 3 are in angle or trine or OH or EX, yoga is present" = Planet 3 (Sun) and Planet 4 = Navamsa Lord of the P3 (Jupiter)


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@scoobydoo oh shit aditya you were so right in both Yogas the beggining! ???? hahahaha when you were talking about Mercury it was related the Kalpadruma Yoga not the Parijatha, i'm soooorry jiji so forget these last messages pleaaase hahahha and have a nice day ???? ???? 

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@lola-sideral tuyet is a she



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@tuyetv oki, nice to meet you

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