Neechabanga Raja Yo...
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Neechabanga Raja Yoga

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Interesting that Saturn and Mars are both in Vishakha nakshatra, ruled by Jupiter and it's debilitated and retrograde but also taking part in Brahma Yoga.  Quite a few contradictions and crosswise omens in your chart.  You must have an intriguing life story.

I'd be interested to know which one of these do you think applies more to you:

1. "all about energy, impulse, and very high social ambitions. You are intelligent and knowledgeable in any field but can be rude and adamant in behavior and short tempered."


2. "highly flexible and adaptable in difficult situations.  You are intelligent but emotional. You need to work little harder as compared to other people but success is assured at some point of time. Your social circle would be of great help to you."

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@quasar259 haha so easy! second one 100% but also first in some situations (without the social ambitions)

Yes, I could define my life as intriguing, I had to overcome a lot of difficult things like trauma with "t" and some with" T" 🙂 but kept my optimism and my faith. All the bad things that have happened have made me sad for a day and then I just found a solution, so yes, I manage to get out of difficult situations. 

And yes, I have always received help from other people, people like me and have been of great help to me especially in my career. I have 2 examples: the current job - some colleagues believe I got my job in a dishonest way (based only on someone's recommendation) because somehow they didn't see me fit for it (like it would be too difficult for me) but my manager & my office colleagues see me (because I am really) very professional and very hard working. They say I set the bar too high and I get them to compete with me but not in an ugly way, we are happy and get along very well. The previous job I had, when I got it I didn't have the same level of skills & knowledge l as my team (I was junior and they were senior) but in 1 year I received a very good evaluation and a big raise. Also I have good & friendly relationships with all my ex managers. 

People are quite surprised by me, by who I am, what I do, if someone meets me at work they would never say I am into astrology or that I practice reiki or I that I am also a professional cook 🙂 Something like that

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@shugara2002 Nice! What do you cook and when may we come by and have a taste?

This may be an egocentric comment, but I can´t help myself: I´ve been a professional crossword writer most of my adult life. In like fancy, highly respected newspapers in the very country in which they decide who´s worthy of a Nobel price in physics etc. Little do they know that Mr Hyde is luring behind the same screen that produces those tributes to normality and common sense that we call crosswords...


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@staffan wow! I don't think it's egocentric, it's very nice! It's so wonderful to be able to switch between skills and do so many things!

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@shugara2002 Well, I think it helps me to feel grounded. And that´s a good thing in a world and activity in which strange things happen regularly. Also for my kids to know I´m grounded.


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i did the Yogas of Character analysis for you just for the fun of it. I have not done one for a long time. So read this for fun... Others if i miss anything let me know. Thx!



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@tuyetv Woooow! Thank you so much! ❤️

It will help me a lot when taking the course, I see it's in the advanced section 

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@tuyetv I am not sure about the Nauka yoga.
As I understood it all the signs need to have a planet in it.
In the book Core Yogas, one of the examples says so.


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@marianela i agree with you.. I redid it. For Nauka yoga you have to move 4 planets. But then she now has 3 Akriti yogas from what i could tell, Hala 3rd, 7th and 11th, Sakata and Kamala. Do you see the same thing?



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@tuyetv Yes, I agree.
With Hala (all planets in 3, 7 and 11), 2 planets are removed from one house and go to an empty house.

With Sakata (all planets in 1 and 7), 2 planets are removed form one house and go to an already occupied house.

With Kamala (all planets in the 4 angles) , 2 planets are removed from one house and go to 2 different empty houses.

I tend to think that Sakata is the one she has more direct access to, because we move planets but we don't need extra signs.

About Hala (planets in 3, 7, 11) it's mentioned that the difficulty is due to the lack of planets in 1, 5, 9. But, as she has in fact 2 planets in the 1st, through them she can connect to herself, it happens though in a hard way, as they are Mars and Saturn. While the benefics, what will be easy and flowing in her life will rather take her out of herself, and benefit others more than herself, what might be difficult to accept.

Sakata (all planets in 1 and 7) the Akriti where we alter the less her own chart, emphasizes the 1st and 7th. This struggle between 1 and 7, where the key will be to find a balance. Probably painful but necessary task with Sun and Saturn there in opposition.

And finally Kamala (all planets in the 4 angles) it's the positive Akriti. The one who can provide happiness. It indicates a way to resolve the troubles of the other ones. To activate strongly 4 and 10.

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My understanding is that all the akritis that requires the lowest number of moves are present and relevant. I have two akriti yogas myself, one good and one bad, and identify equally with both.


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That is my understanding too that all Akriti yogas are equally important...



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@tuyetv Yes, I agree, I didn't want to remove importance to any of them. I just pushed the same logic a bit further so that little nuances could be added.

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@marianela i like your analysis... It shows you put some thoughts into it. Nice job!



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Attached is my revised Yoga of Character analysis...



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@tuyetv thank you and thank you, @Marianela ❤️

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