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Joined: May 6, 2022
Last seen: Aug 6, 2022
Topics: 4 / Replies: 35
RE: Earning money as an astrologer

@ernst I have both Jupiter and Venus as career planets in the Rasi, but only Jupiter in the D60. And in the Rasi only Venus aspects 11th from the UpaP...

3 years ago
RE: Union of Rahu and Ketu

@ernst Is it a good idea to look at this in cases where Ketu is in the 10th from a man's Sun or in the 4th from a woman's Moon, for purposes of improo...

3 years ago
RE: Manifesting factors

Hello @lola-sideral, That is not how it works. Alex

3 years ago
RE: Rahu in 7th house

@valen I also think about what it would be like if I didn't have Saturn in my lagna, or if Jupiter wasn't DB. But then I remember that I wouldn't be t...

3 years ago
RE: Rahu in 7th house

@valen Moon in Gemini? If so, then we have very similar charts, same lagna, Sun and Moon. 🙂 Alex

3 years ago
RE: Rahu in 7th house

@valen All this resonates. Thank you for sharing. I can say that I see modern relationships as limiting, full of unhealthy expectations and obligati...

3 years ago
RE: Rahu in 7th house

@amit It does, it rasi aspects the 7th cusp and it rules 7th lord Venus. Alex

3 years ago
RE: Rahu in 7th house

@amit Yes, it's also my AK. A definite weak spot for me. Alex

3 years ago
RE: Rahu in 7th house

@ernst Ok, so I am now running the Jupiter Maha Dasa and Saturn Antar Dasa. Ju is DB in the 3rd house of the Rasi chart and DB in the 7th of the Sapta...

3 years ago
RE: Rahu in 7th house

@valen Well, we have some things in common. I also have Scorpio rising and Sun in Aquarius. So my Rahu is in Taurus as well and Venus is in Pisces wit...

3 years ago
RE: Rahu in 7th house

@ernst This makes a lot of sense to me. I have Rahu in 7th in Taurus and its lord Venus is in Pisces, conjunct Mars. So Ve/Ma is a passionate combinat...

3 years ago
RE: Rahu in 7th house

@ernst This is something that has been on my mind ever since I started studying astrology and Rahu. I have it in the 7th house, but so far I have not ...

3 years ago
RE: How to see different teeth in the chart?

@ernst I see. It makes sense. I was thinking that it may be easier if we look at a person's teeth and see how they relate to the condition of the diff...

3 years ago
RE: Achitect and Vastu Career

@scott-m-19 I think it is because the 5th is 11th (gains) from 7th (other people/business). So clients are other people that you gain from by doing bu...

3 years ago
RE: Planetary significator of a house is itself located in that house

@zurie Yes, Venus is debilitated, but it is also delighted by the lord Mercury, which is a friend to Venus, so that can help with the starvation from ...

3 years ago
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