Last seen: Nov 10, 2022
@ernst Hi Ernst, There's something I still don't fully understand in this context and I would love if you could shed some light onto this for me....
@meyes I think it's really every individual's call to decide whether they need something or not. Some people might find it unnecessary, but I also...
The studies that I've seen on Astrology usually use very simple techniques like simplifed Western sun sign descriptions as a person's overall personal...
I just finished reading your articles and really enjoyed your them. Your background in literature and writing really shows. The articles are structure...
Cool, thanks for sharing! Looking forward to reading them.
@tuyetv I think this post might have gotten buried under a series of other posts and gone unnoticed.
Hi Sharon, Just checking for clarification: Is your question about directional strength in general and mainly in the Rasi (as stated in the question...
@tuyetv Thank you for responding and also sharing your own observations. I suppose one of the things I'm confused about is: If the navamsa truly ...
@amit Yup, that's what I think I wrote in the original post. No Ketu connections in the Rasi. Only in the navamsa. In the Rasi, it's only Jupiter, ...
@ernst How much significance do you give to whether that planet is the dispositor of another planet? Here's my current example: There's a woman w...
@ernst Thank you!
@ernst Thank you so much! That makes sense. I had wondered about whether using a time when multiple people are doing the same thing would work. I...