Eminent Member
Joined: May 13, 2020
Last seen: Sep 24, 2023
Topics: 3 / Replies: 16
1 year ago
Replies: 0
Views: 709
RE: US Elections 2020

Before too long we will know and and speculation ends. I still like Trump's odds, but we shall see. John

4 years ago
RE: US Elections 2020

The incumbent wins. Sleepy Joe has little support outside the MSM. Just like 2016. Check the state polls for how the electoral colleges votes. 275+ f...

4 years ago
RE: Yoni - Not sure where to put this -

I'm sure there are a lot of opinions, but the Mongoose is most famous for challenging and eating venomous snakes. This could be seen to be protecting ...

5 years ago
RE: Surya Siddhanta

Check S.S.14.12 John

5 years ago
RE: Bala & Mrita Vs Yuva /

Hi Veronica, I would politely ask you to reread my response above. While doing so, please note that I did not write that a cruel or gentle graha in a ...

5 years ago
RE: Bala & Mrita Vs Yuva /

Hello Veronica, I believe it may be helpful if I suggest that all the grahas have an important role to play as conscious forces, karakas and bhava l...

5 years ago
RE: Formula For Yoga Judgement

Hi Julia, You describe quite an active 10th house. This means the 4th,7th and 10th lords are conjunct with the 5th and 9th lords. This gives the yog...

5 years ago
RE: Trump's Chart Rectification

Hi Mirela, For the sake of discussion, I would keep Trump's chart with the Leo lagna. If we advance the birth time he loses his Maha Bhagya Yoga whi...

5 years ago
RE: How do you add a "like" to a post in this Forum?

Thank you Mirela. I now see the option is only available when I am logged in. Doh! John

5 years ago
RE: Vara

Kala is telling us what graha is ruling the Vara for the time, date and location entered. If you click the button to advance the Vara, you will see th...

5 years ago
RE: Upadesa Sutras of Jaimini by Prof K.V. Abhankar

Many thanks for sharing the Introduction to the Jaimini Sutras by K.V. Abhyankar, Ernst. It offers much food for thought. I would be grateful if you c...

5 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1011
RE: Svamsa in the D1

For the sake of discussion, I certainly agree that the Svamsa is the sign in the D9 where the atmakaraka is placed. At the same time, we are defining ...

5 years ago
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